JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R, an expanded remaster of a PS3 hit, is intriguing. The anime-themed fighter, available on PS5 and PS4, has garnered...
What resolution do PS5 and PS4 games use? On the latter, 1080p is standard, reaching 4K on the PS4 Pro. The former format has mostly used...
That’s not an Onion headline! Social media reports say Tom Holland and Chris Pratt will star in a Jak & Daxter film. A famous Marvel tipster...
Sony’s YouTube studio profile videos may help recruit tech workers in a tight market. This latest clip discusses Seattle-based Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch’s background...
The PS5 and PS4 versions of Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon are just days away, but publisher Bandai Namco has important news to share. Another...
PS5 is getting a new open-world gacha game that looks promising. Sony’s new-gen console, PC, and mobile will debut Project Mugen at Gamescom next week on...
Lords of the Fallen, a Souls-like action RPG, has been progressing nicely, as we noted in a recent preview. In some IGN previews, fans criticized the...
Sony systems are known for their lack of great arcade racers, but The Crew Motorfest may fill the gap. The Ubisoft open world racer, inspired by...
Spike Chunsoft will release Baldur’s Gate 3 in Japan later this year. The company has the rights to the insanely popular PS5, and domestic retailers have...
The PS5 Access Controller launches later this year, but Sony is also investing heavily in software accessibility. PlayStation Studios’ next tentpole, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, will feature...