In the ongoing conflict against the Automaton invasion fleet, the Helldivers 2 players have successfully halted their advance. However, the situation has now reached a tiresome...
The recent release of Amazon’s adaptation of Fallout has ignited a renewed interest in the series and brought attention to the captivating alternate history that forms...
Orbex, a small launch company based in the UK, got more money from backers, including Scotland’s national bank. The company is now getting ready for its...
Traditionally linked to dry sand and heavily air-conditioned megacities, many areas of the Gulf region have recently experienced a substantial amount of rainfall. Dubai, located in...
It is possible that the US Navy will try its first powerful microwave weapon on a ship as early as 2026. The experimental weapons, which are...
Boston Dynamics is discontinuing its hydraulic robot Atlas after years of pushing the limits. In order to bid adieu, the innovative firm has compiled a film...
Atlas is immobile, lying face down on a stack of connected gym mats. The only audio accompaniment is the humming of an electric motor. While it...
Not long after one of the closest supernovae of the century was found, another one just a little farther away has shown up. Professional pictures of...
In a vote on Tuesday, April 16, most politicians in the UK agreed with a law that would make it illegal for anyone born after 2009...
The NASA Ingenuity team said goodbye to the helicopter robot and got one last message before splitting up. But ingenuity isn’t really dead yet; it will...