Kurt Russell, the iconic action movie star known for his role in Escape From New York, left a lasting impact on a young Hideo Kojima. The...
Metal Gear Delta: Snake Eater will reuse the original voice lines, which isn’t surprising as the original voice cast is returning. Tommy Williams, Konami America’s chief...
A new report contradicts previous reports that Sony has locked Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater to PS5. Insider Gaming’s Tom Henderson says his sources say...
This weekend, social media speculation suggested Sony had signed (timed?) console exclusivity agreements with Konami on Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill. Last year, Bloober...
How about some fresh artwork from the developers of the game instead of a PS5, PS4 remaster for the 10th anniversary of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance?...
Nicholas Buc, along with the Tokyo Philarmonic Orchestra, the Osaka Symphony Orchestra and singer Donna Burke all are proud to present an event that a lot...