Dragon Ball Xenoverse, the new game based on the Dragon Ball series released earlier this year on consoles and PC in all regions, is one of...
The Last Of Us, the survival horror game developed by Naughty Dog, has been released back in 2013 on PlayStation 3 and has been praised since...
USB voltage can be a problem for many people, especially those who use external hard drives and other peripherals which might sometimes have compatibility issues with...
Kingzone doesn’t really sound like a smartphone company judging by its name, but nonetheless, the Chinese company whose name this is does in fact make smartphones,...
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, the latest entry of the Call of Duty series released last year on consoles and PC, is a rather important entry...
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain is really close to release now, launching in a little over one month in all regions on consoles and,...
In today’s deal of the day we’re looking at yet another smartphone that seems too good to be true. If you’ve been following us for a...
Devil May Cry 4 is without a doubt one of the best action games released in recent years with its deep combat mechanics and Devil May...
Elephone as a company has been in the spotlight in the past few months for the excellent battery life that their selection of phones offer. This...
Want a super awesome gaming keyboard to go with the rest of your super awesome gaming gear? You’re definitely reading the right article if that’s the...