The Ace Attorney series has garnered a strong following among fans, and Capcom’s legal comedies continue to improve over time, reminiscent of a fine vintage in...
Concerns raised by advocates of accessibility features have prompted the removal of potentially hazardous elements from both the Tekken 8 demo (where the problem was discovered)...
Dragon’s Dogma 2 has the potential to be an incredibly rewarding RPG this year. Capcom is expanding on the strong foundations of the original 2012 game,...
For the younger readers in the audience, Killzone was a PlayStation shooter series that gained a lot of attention back in the day. Guerrilla Games, a...
A significant portion of game development studios have experienced layoffs in the past year, causing a sense of unease among employees who fear potential future cuts...
The Last Chance to Play section in the PS5’s PS Plus tab has received an update, unveiling the upcoming lineup of games that will soon depart...
Last week, we reported that Nick Offerman, the actor who played Bill in The Last of Us, had expressed interest in a potential HBO spin-off centered...
Cody Christian, the voice of Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth protagonist Cloud Strife, believes that some fans could benefit from dialing back their enthusiasm a...
Players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone who were eagerly anticipating the start of Season 1 Reloaded might want to reconsider, as it...
Rock Band 4, the beloved multiplayer rhythm game, is receiving a final DLC update, even though it was originally released on the PS4 in 2015. No...