In the month of February, we find ourselves eagerly anticipating the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the highly anticipated sequel to Square Enix’s Remake from...
Hi-Fi Rush, a rhythmic action game developed by Tango and published by Bethesda, seems to be on its way to a release on PS5, despite initially...
During the recent State of Play showcase, Hideo Kojima treated fans to an exciting glimpse of the gameplay and finally revealed the official title of the...
The Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition was just announced yesterday, and it seems that collectors will have the opportunity to get their hands on a physical...
Shift Up’s highly anticipated PS5 exclusive, Stellar Blade, is set to release on April 26th, just around the corner. Pre-orders for the upcoming release will be...
A Little to the Left, an indie puzzler that has achieved both critical acclaim and commercial success, is now preparing for its highly anticipated release on...
Asia is about to kick off the Lunar New Year celebrations, and Sony is honoring the occasion with a brand-new campaign featuring the well-known South Korean...
Capcom has recently announced that Ed, a devoted fan of psycho boxing and snooker, will be joining the roster of Street Fighter 6 on February 27th....
Hideo Kojima effortlessly dominated the latest State of Play, outshining a formidable lineup of reveals. The nearly 10-minute trailer for Death Stranding 2: On the Beach...
We were pleasantly surprised by the long-awaited collaboration between BioWare and Bungie, as they bring together the worlds of Mass Effect and Destiny 2. This unexpected...