This is a bit of a touchy subject from what I’ve gathered discussing with people in my own life and over the internet. Anime is a...
The One Piece Pirate Warriors series is considered as one of the best video games series inspired by the popular manga created by Eiichiro Oda. Omega...
J-Stars Victory VS +, the fighting game featuring characters taken from Shonen Jump manga series, has been released last week in Europe on PlayStation 3, PlayStation...
Welcome to Comics Around The World, where I take a brief look at comics from other countries, tell you a bit about the history behind them,...
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, the new entry of the series developed by Omega Force, has been released in Japan earlier this year on Sony consoles....
The release of J-Stars Victory VS in Japan last year on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita has been a dream come true for anime and manga...