For those unaware, the Soulslike games Lies of P and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty have formed a strong bond. They previously collaborated, introducing ‘Puppet’s Saber’ and...
Despite its impending release in a few months, we know little about Rise of the Ronin. The only thing we know is that it’s an action...
For more great combat, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty’s first story DLC, the Battle of Zhongyuan, is available on PS5 and PS4. If you bought the Season...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, an excellent action role-playing game, has received a new patch. It will just take a minute to download and install on a...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty increases the bar for battle so significantly that it merits abandoning the term “soulslike” entirely in favor of something new. It offers...
The time of the scheduled event is rapidly approaching. Later this week, on March 3rd for both PS5 and PS4, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will release,...