Today’s Dragon Quest series event has brought, just as it was leaked in the past few hours, the announcement that all fans of the series have...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse, one of the latest games based on the Dragon Ball series released earlier this year on consoles and PC, was a welcome surprise...
Splatoon will get its first major update on August 8 for free. Nintendo confirmed that the update, which was promised shortly before Splatoon’s release, will arrive...
Steam had a minor meltdown last night when an exploit was discovered that allowed anybody to reset the password of any account they liked. The exploit,...
Street Fighter V’s beta, which ran over the weekend, was something of a disaster. Players struggled just to get past the start screen, and even then...
China is lifting its 15-year ban on foreign and domestic video game consoles to allow devices from Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and others into the country. China’s...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s final free DLC pack will be something CD Projekt RED is calling New Game +. Exactly what that is hasn’t been...
The amiibo craze has been going strong ever since the release of the first set of figures and it looks like it won’t die down anytime...
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, the latest entry of the series developed by CD Projekt RED now available in all regions on consoles and PC, has...
Dragon Quest VIII 3DS is really close to its Japanese release now and Square Enix has been promoting the game heavily in the past few weeks...