Television series that draw inspiration from video games have now reached a commendable level of quality. As a result, the anticipation surrounding Fallout’s adaptation is greater...
Amazon’s upcoming TV adaptation of Fallout is shaping up to be impressive, hinting at a promising future for video game adaptations such as HBO’s The Last...
Preacher Season 2 Release Date A trailer has been released for Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogens television adaptation of Preacher, a popular comic book series by Garth Ennis...
In order to get a grip on the highly competitive music streaming industry Amazon decided to bring important updates to its Prime Music streaming service. When...
As the merry month of May dawns again, blockbuster season and televisions second run premieres are upon us. These are a few highlights bursting forth from...
Amazon will be upping the ante when it comes to cloud storage, as the company has announced that it would revamping its cloud storage service called...