Project X Zone 2, known in Japan as Project X Zone 2: Brave New World, is one of the more unique role playing game launching on...
Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, the latest entry of the series developed by Treyarch launching later this year on consoles and PC, is still far...
Batman Arkham Knight, the new entry of the series developed by Rocksteady now available in all regions on consoles and PC, has received a few updates...
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain, the new entry of the Metal Gear Solid series launching in 15 days in all regions on consoles and...
The Battlefield series has been one of the more successful first person shooter series ever since the release of the first episode. The latest numbered entry...
The Witcher 3, the new entry of the series developed by CD Projekt RED now available in all regions on consoles and PC, has received its...
Super Mario Maker is really close to release now and Nintendo has started promoting the game heavily in the past few weeks. The new game starring...
In the past few months SEGA has been releasing several of its classic games on the Nintendo 3DS shop with 3D support. Among the games released...
Star Wars Battlefront will launch without a single player mode, which was news that led to the disappointment of many fans. The decision not to include...
Red Ash: The Indelible Legend has returned to crowdfunding after its original Kickstarter campaign to ask for more money from backers. Red Ash: Magicicada was set...