The Secret of Mana series, known in Japan as Seiken Densetsu, is one of the many role-playing game series that have been out of the spotlight...
Koei Tecmo and Omega Force have developed in the past years a few games based on popular manga and anime series, like the One Piece Pirate...
Among the new characters that will be included in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 who have never appeared in a game of the series before...
The new entry of the Pro Evolution Soccer series is right behind the corner and players all over the world are getting ready to experience it...
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain, the new entry of the Metal Gear Solid series launching in less than two weeks in all regions on...
The Pokemon arcade fighting game Pokken Tournament, developed by Bandai Namco, is a dream come true for Pokemon fans all over the world who always wanted...
Batman Arkham Knight, the latest entry of the series developed by Rocksteady now available in all regions on consoles and PC, has been released a few...
Plenty of Super Mario Maker gameplay footage has been surfacing online in the past few days, showcasing many of the features included in the game launching...
Splatoon, the third person shooter game developed by Nintendo now available in all regions exclusively on Wii U, has been receiving plenty of new content each...
Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, The Grand Tournament, has been given a release date of next Monday, August 24. The Grand Tournament is slated to be a huge...