After the tragic passing of Satoru Iwata earlier this year, the fate of the Nintendo Directs (a series of streams where Nintendo release a swath of...
Last week Microsoft released in North America the Xbox One Wireless Adapter which allows players to use the Xbox One controllers without cables on PCs running...
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, the latest entry of the series created by Ubisoft, has been released last week in North America and Europe on PlayStation 4 and...
One Piece Burning Blood, the new game based on the series created by Eiichiro Oda currently in development for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Xbox One,...
Overwatch beta is now live, if you got the email and the install button in the app, congratulations, if you didn’t, don’t sweat it, I’m...
With Halloween right behind the corner, several video games have been receiving new content inspired by the upcoming holiday. Among these games is Ultra Street Fighter...
Finally, German people are starting to put the horrors of the Holocaust behind them and truly learn to have a laugh about Hitler’s reign rather than...
I think that all Supernatural fans had a moment of ‘weakness’ when the creators decided to add the story of the Impala in an episode reminiscing...
Although there are no plans including a big budget Doctor Who movie, by 2017 we will see Doctor Who’s famous robot dog, K9 in cinemas. The...
Tales Of Zestiria, has been released earlier this month in all regions on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Steam, and the game has already received several...