Season 2 of the popular anime, One-Punch Man has officially been announced to be in production. This information comes via a twitter post by Ken Xyro...
Ark Survival Evolved remains popular largely because of the engaging gameplay and responsive development team. Updates have been frequent and well received, and Studio Wildcard has...
Fans of Hearthstone are eagerly anticipating the arrival of the game’s upcoming expansion: “Journey to Un’Goro”. Blizzard has recently released images of some new cards coming...
There’s just over a week til the launch of Hearthstone’s new expansion, Journey to Un’Goro, and Blizzard’s celebrating with a special event. They previously announced a...
Despite some negative press regarding the “revolutionary and brave” (okay..) exclusion of the headphone port, the iPhone 7 Plus has been selling extremely well. There wasn’t...
Apple’s iPhone is one of the most iconic and popular mobile phones in recent history, but there have been some criticisms around the web about their...
Radiant Historia Gets A Remake Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is a remake of the original critically acclaimed Nintendo DS RPG Radiant Historia. The remake is due to release in...
Some of you reading this may be intrigued. You thought that only Yooka-Laylee would be the only old-school inspired platformer featuring two heroes this Spring. Nope!...
Ever since its release back in July of 2015, Rocket League has been incredibly popular among many gamers. The developers, Psyonix Studios, have worked hard to...
Another Prey trailer has been released for our viewing pleasure. This time the footage will make any FPS fan giddy. Why you ask? Well, unbridled destruction...