The King of Horror Literature, Stephen King, has revealed intriguing details of his next novel which he has written with Owen King, his younger son. The...
Rocket League is all about cars. Rocket League is popular. Thus, Rocket League and cars from popular culture go together like fluff and peanut butter. (It’s...
A little over a week ago, the United States Senate voted 50-48 to allow internet service providers to sell customer data and Web browsing habits. Rolling...
Among all the movies about to be released this year, this new It movie, which is based on the novel of the same name by Stephen...
Marvel recently came under fire in the wake of accusations of whitewashing roles made for Asian actors. In Doctor Strange the role of Sorcerer Supreme was...
Has-Been Heroes is an action, roguelike strategy game where the player is tasked with controlling three heroes as they fend off hordes of enemies. Frozenbyte, the...
One of the most anticipated releases of the year, Inhumans, the Marvel series about the Royal Family of Attilan, will see the light this September 1st....
It was only a matter of time. Advertising permeates pretty much all of the media we consume, and until now, free apps for the HTC Vive...
The internet is ablaze with hype and anticipation for the upcoming Samsung flagships, the Galaxy S8 and S8+. Preorders are available now, and if you were planning on...
Samsung really needs to hit it out of the park with their Samsung Galaxy S8, and initial hands-on reports with the phone have nothing but good...