EA announced during their E3 Press Conference that Madden 18 will have a story mode titled “Longshot.” This is the first legitimate story mode in the...
Microsoft’s Project Scorpio has been intriguing game journalists ever since its announcement at E3 2016 last year. Everyone involved with this new Xbox has been promising...
Over the past few days, the Internet has been abound with the rumor that Sony will announce the Playstation 5 at E3 this year. This would...
The first edition of Destiny, the online-only shooter video game was not exactly what we expected. Bungie developed the second edition, called Destiny 2, obviously, and...
Telltale Games has recently announced on Twitter that their final episode of The Walking Dead – A New Frontier has been released. The tweet reads “The...
The Nintendo Switch just added a big piece to the indie puzzle. Today, Unreal announced that game developers will be able to release their games on...
In early 2017 Microsoft released their own streaming service called Beam to rival Amazon’s giant, Twitch. Beam was a streaming service that was only available on the...
I really enjoyed Destiny, but I didn’t play it nearly as much as you’d think I would. It has everything I want in a game: engaging...
As many gamers out there know, after completing their work on Halo: Reach in 2010, Bungie left to work on a new project. After four years...
A lot of people keep playing games like Overwatch to collect skins or other cosmetic perks, but the game will live and die based off of...