The latest Doctor Who episode, “World Enough and Time,” aired this past weekend. Unlike the previous episodes, which either had political themes or were nothing more...
The terms Augmented Reality and Virtual reality have increasingly crept into out everyday speech. Developers have been pouring money into large headsets designed to give a...
I’m a PC gamer, I love sandbox games, and I’m a lazy zealot for the Wild West of yester yore. Thus, my great lament for the...
If you haven’t noticed yet, Gaming on YouTube isn’t the mega giant it used to be. Before the ” ad-pocalypse” gaming content used to be the category...
SEGA Forever is officially a thing, and SEGA promised to eventually port games from every Sega console. SEGA’s promise got me thinking about what games I want...
If you don’t keep up with the Boston Celtics, you may have looked over one of their promising rookies. A one-and-done from California, Berkeley, Jaylen Brown...
Pokemon GO’s latest event, the summer solstice, is almost over, and it is sadly underwhelming. The event is little more than an experience boost, a sale...
Those of us who consider ourselves to be to progressives have woken to a number of deeply unpleasant bombshells over the last couple of years. The...
The meteoric rise of Ethereum has continued unabated over the last few weeks. Buoyed by Putin’s recent meeting with the founder of Ethereum and recent announcements...
The word terrorism elicits a visceral response, which is unsurprising as it contains the word “terror” in it. Terrorism in the West has gained particular public...