To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Digimon Adventures the original Digi-Destined will appear in a new series called Digimon Adventure Tri Last year Toei Animation announced...
Marvel never ceases to amaze us when bringing to life comic book superheroes in movies. After movies like The Avengers or TV shows like Marvel’s Agents...
I do hope you like my choices. When deciding what comics I wanted to spotlight I deliberately shied away from the typical comics you see in...
I bet you didn’t see this one coming. Originally published under Aircel comics which was later bought out by Malibu comics which was later bought out...
I’m writing this piece on April 25th 2015. However due to the way I create my work in bulk as opposed to publishing article by article...
Akira is one of the few comic book movies that actually had the luxury of being written by the same man that wrote the comic book,...
Perfect for a TV miniseries, Ignition City (written by Warren Ellis who has worked on such comics as Hellblazer, Iron Man and Transmetropolitan) is set in...
We are back on with more Moore. No, I won’t apologise. This spot was originally going to be dedicated to Watchmen; I thought that Watchmen would...
Part time writer and full time grumpy old man Alan Moore’s work doesn’t always fair well in adaptation, while Watchmen was certainly good the same can’t...
It’s easy to forget that Disney did buy out the Indiana Jones franchise some time ago, considering most of their efforts went into pushing new Star Wars stuff. Now,...