Atlus’ highly anticipated RPG, Metaphor: ReFantazio, appears to incorporate familiar systems reminiscent of the developer’s acclaimed Persona series. The game features turn-based battles that heavily rely...
Atlus revealed that the Persona series has surpassed 22 million copies in sales and unveiled a special Persona 3 Reload trailer titled “Promise” to commemorate the...
We’re at the end of August, and that means that people are going back to school if they aren’t there already. While most people think of...
A brand-new announcement trailer was just released for the Persona spin-off sequel, Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. The new 3DS exclusive brings back the returning cast...
We’ve known for a while now that both Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight and Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight would have some pretty extensive DLC, and...
If there’s one thing that the Persona franchise has proven at this point, it’s that it can dive into just about any genre it wants and...
You don’t question how the internet works, it just does. And when it comes to the concept of datamining and leaks. While some are downright false,...
Persona 5 is 2017’s most exciting title for many gamers, but unfortunately, it’s not due out for another whole week. Don’t fret, GeekReply has got your...