Crystal Dynamics is shifting gears, leaving behind Lara Croft’s sentimental origin story, and preparing a fresh installment in the Tomb Raider series. This upcoming game will...
One of the main attractions of retro remasters or compilations such as Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered is the thrill of earning shiny new trophies in beloved...
Yesterday, embattled Embracer Group announced a massive restructuring with layoffs, closures, and cancellations. “We need to be exploiting Lord of the Rings in a very significant...
Releasing games for macOS and Linux certainly isn’t the first thing on a developer’s mind when making a game, though some games do eventually get the...
The first official trailer for Shadow of the Tomb Raider has been released, giving us our first look at the game set for release later this...
Square Enix is set to officially unveil Shadow of the Tomb Raider very soon, with the company holding a press event on April 27th. However, ahead...
Eidos Montreal stirred up a bit of controversy when they made an announcement regarding their focus. The studio announced a few days ago that they want...
San Diego Comic Con is probably the world’s biggest comic convention. At least in the Hollywood eyes. The bigger companies go to the famous Hall H...
Leaked images online have spread the rumour that Crystal Dynamics is currently working on the next instalment of the Tomb Raider series and that it’ll be...
Warner Brothers and MGM have given us more images from Tomb Raider of Alicia Vikander as the gaming icon Lara Croft. A post by Vanity Fair...