In the nearly two years since Batman Arkham Knight’s release, the rumor of a new Batman game has become a regular occurrence, happening once every three months...
Rocket League is all about cars. Rocket League is popular. Thus, Rocket League and cars from popular culture go together like fluff and peanut butter. (It’s...
Read Dead Redemption 2 is set to be the next big open world title from the masters of sandbox mayhem, Rockstar Games. All we have gotten...
The team over at NetherRealm Studios announced that a new character reveal for Injustice 2 would take place today. Little did we know they were being...
Destiny 2 has made a splash this week and will continue to do so from here on out. The game’s official Twitter account revealing the title...
Developer Arkane Studios and publisher Bethesda Softworks certainly aren’t slowing down with their Prey advertisements. Yesterday they uploaded a short video showcasing Morgan Yu’s, the main...
Ever since the days of Battlefield 3, EA and DICE have had a slew of DLC packages and microtransactions attached to the flagship series. Weapon unlocks...
Another Prey trailer has been released for our viewing pleasure. This time the footage will make any FPS fan giddy. Why you ask? Well, unbridled destruction...
Guardians of the Galaxy is getting the Telltale treatment and Episode 1 will debut on April 18th. Telltale Games are well known for their narrative focused...
Final Fantasy XV was a mixed bag for some. There’s no denying that. One of the better aspects of the JRPG were the gameplay and high...