While the upcoming manga mash up fighting game, Jump force, has been busy revealing plenty of added characters from all over the Shonen Jump universe to...
The most recent release in the popular fighting game series, Soulcalibur VI, has already received some pretty iconic characters to the roster as apart of the...
The wait for the Resident Evil 2 remake is nearly over, with the highly-anticipated game set to launch next month. However, it looks like fans are...
While Fortnite has been the runaway success of the gaming scene for quite some time now, the path hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. Several celebrities...
PUBG recently unveiled their new map. The map is titled Vikendi and is set in snowy mountains. The map differs from others not only because of...
Today is finally the day, as Capybara Games oft-delayed BELOW is finally releasing for Xbox One and PC. While we got the news last week, interestingly...
When video games were first started they were fairly simple affairs. The story lines were basic and there wasn’t much history or backstory involved. All you...
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales utilizes the CCG formula for its gameplay, as you take on an opponent’s deck with one of your own. Sometimes matches will...
CD Projekt RED’s Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales has an epic adventure for fans to embark on, which blends several genres into a unique package. There’s lots...
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales has finally launched on consoles, bringing the fantastic CCG/RPG hybrid to new platforms. While not as epic in length as The Witcher...