Following the reveal of the Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo of Europe has announced a 3DS XL with the iconic SNES style. A...
Self-Driving Cars are starting to become a safer option for the people who want to get to other places fast. However, it’s still an invention that...
So, I guess we have a new number 1 in terms of disastrous PR events that will forever be remembered in the history of gaming. Coming...
A Brief History Sombra, real name, unknown. To the world, she doesn’t officially exist. Skills include computer hacking and cryptography. Her story is a hacker’s cliché....
The first thing that comes to people’s minds when the words Google Glass come to a sentence is a product that didn’t have a clear reason...
Please make the acquaintance of THOR, the Transformable HOvering Rotorcraft. While it doesn’t come with a hammer, it does have a servo and bearing to enable...
Atari is a console manufacturer now. It’s been a while since I posted that short news article/editorial and I still can’t wrap my head around the...
The SKA Organization and CERN signed an agreement formally signaling their continued collaboration in the development of extreme scale (exascale) computing. If you are interested in...
Is this the coolest toy around? A tiny drone that fits in the palm of your hand, can be controlled by gesture and shoots quality video. ...
I have talked about the NES Classic Edition when it was relevant on another outlet. And how scalpers were reselling the console at incredibly horrid prices....