Netflix has been on a roll recently with their Marvel originals. Daredevil was met with critical praise and fans raving that they had finally gotten a...
While other Marvel series have suffered on Network Television, FX seems to have hit the mark perfectly with the newest series Legion. Series creator Noah Hawley...
Steve is going to face a ancient enemy alone on June 7 Since this June is the premiere of Warner Bros.’s “Wonder Woman,” DC Comics will...
I’ve often been critical of how difficult it can be for new readers to get into comics, as with so much history it is often very...
Tis the season we celebrate good old H-A-double-L-O—yeah, you know the rest—across the eerie, pumpkin-strewn landscape of America in late October. It’s also the best time...
As Fox gears up to reissue their classic 90’s series, “The X-Files,” in miniseries form, the curiosity is building. The new series’ success will likely depend...
As the dulcet days of summer come to a close, TV executives are hard at work scraping together shows for the fall premiere season—seeking to outdo...
I’m what you’d call an “Evil Dead” superfan. I’ve watched the various incarnations of this marvelous cult series on numerous occasions. Bill Warren’s “Evil Dead Companion,”...
Recently a college student at Crafton Hills College called for a ban on several comic books she found lewd or offensive. Fortunately, this challenge was declined....
Ah, this has been an experience. This piece marks the end of comic book month, my first ever month writing at GeekReply and my first ever...