“Carnage: Swallowing the Past” is a fresh made documentary film directed by English comedian Simon Amstell. It presents a world in the very near future in which the act of animal...
Move over Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster; the Thylacine, otherwise known as the Tasmanian Tiger, is the animal scientists want to find. Well, one team of...
Fear and Anger have spread in wake of the latest Chinese Vaccine Scandal. It appears that almost $90 million of improperly stored and potentially fatal vaccines...
Just as the flowers have now blossomed, the skies are also in full bloom this spring. This month of April is abundant in astronomical events that...
We all love cheap clothes. Stores like H&M and Primark make millions on that principle. Most of us are aware there are social costs connected with...
Food waste is one of the defining issues of our time. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that around 795 million people, or one...
Well, it looks like Jerry might have been right all along. Astronomer and new found hero to Pluto fans everywhere, Dr. Will Grundy, is making the...
Have you ever looked at plant leaves and thought that their veins looks similar to our veins? Some scientists took that thought to its logical conclusion...
Sometimes you see a photograph that looks so unreal that it takes you a few moments realize that it is indeed a photograph and not a...
While prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer diagnoses for men in the world today, our body often throws cancer cells at us that our...