A new TV show adaption based on The Last Starfighter aims to make television’s two dimensions seem very limited. In developing the series to appeal to...
I’m what you’d call an “Evil Dead” superfan. I’ve watched the various incarnations of this marvelous cult series on numerous occasions. Bill Warren’s “Evil Dead Companion,”...
Recently, Disney announced that they’d acquired a screenplay for a biopic on noted naturalist and the granddaddy of Evolution, Charles Darwin. Not usually known for their...
Recently a college student at Crafton Hills College called for a ban on several comic books she found lewd or offensive. Fortunately, this challenge was declined....
With recent rumors swirling about talks between Disney and Ewan McGregor, the Han Solo-Boba Fett meet and greet, and other little nuggets sliding out of LucasFilm’s...
With the addition of a news algorithm to its online repertoire, Facebook shifts itself into a new role—that of media gateway. With the popularity of the...
Featuring two new offerings from the Wachowskis, scary sequels, dinosaurs and Bradbury a la Spielberg, and zombie rom-coms from the “Gremlins” guy, June has a whole...
Hot on the heels of the immensely popular “Cosmos,” Neil deGrasse Tyson continues his quest to make scientific content and philosophical debate accessible to the masses...
or Now is the era of the franchise, and it’s all Star Wars’ fault. Seriously. Since Star Wars and its epic merchandising campaign, successful movie franchises have...
Conceived in the warped minds of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, the blasphemously entertaining comic series “Preacher” may finally find its pulpit on AMC. Thanks to...