The Resident Evil games franchise created by Shinji Mikami and Tokuro Fujiwara is one of the longest-running series in video game history. It began with Resident...
Online browser gaming used to quite frankly be a pretty shoddy affair. Either the internet speeds weren’t up to the task, the software perhaps underpowered, and...
Weekends are probably everyone’s favorite time of the week. Not that having a job can’t be fun, but it’s even better when you have a day...
People who have had the experience of playing at both physical casinos and online casinos will often be able to identify some of the reasons why...
Primo Android Data Recovery The majority of us rely on our smartphones more than we think. We basically store all our lives on these devices. Our...
Democrats chanted victory on Sunday, when the Congress approved the $1 trillion bill funding for the government. There may be no government shutdown this fiscal year,...
The Apple iPhone has one of the best cameras on the market, but avid photographers who are looking to get a higher quality out of their...
According to the Kickstarter for Battalion 1944, after March 31st you’ll no longer be able to access the Pre-order Humble Store. If you miss the cut-off,...
Virtual reality and Augmented reality have only become mainstream in the past few years, and many companies are starting to offer their take on a fledgling...
Google’s Nexus tablets remain some of the most popular Android tablets on the market and followers of the product believe that the series may receive a...