The Arrow Season 5 finale begins with Oliver approaching Deathstroke to ask for his help in saving his son William from Prometheus. He offers Deathstroke the...
This week on Arrow, Prometheus sets his final plan in motion. It is revealed that Prometheus’ group has been kidnapping members of Team Arrow one by...
This week on Arrow, we get back into the main plot. Prometheus sends a coffin to Mayor Queen’s office with the body of an unknown man...
In this episode of Arrow following the exploits of Star City’s Emerald Archer, there is actually very little archery. The episode picks right up where last...
Yet another crossover is going to happen between The Flash and Arrow, it was surely expected as their crossover episodes were a success. We still have...
As the month of May nears the halfway point, many networks have finalized their lineups for next fall. Due to a strong showing from many genre...