The next installment in the iconic Mortal Kombat series is only a few short months away, and today Ed Boon and Netherrelam Studios shared a heap...
The 2D side-scrolling action game from Sabotage Studios called The Messenger is one of the most talked-about indie games of the year, and today it gets...
2018 has had some excellent AAA releases throughout the year, but it’s easy to forget that there has also been some excellent indie games that should...
The whole point of Playtonic Games’ Yooka-Laylee was to tap into that nostalgic mascot platformer gameplay from the 90’s, with the N64 era in particular being...
We knew that Epic Games would be adding the new Port-a-Fortress item to Fortnite very soon, and now it is available. It has been added to...
Yesterday Capcom announced that Onimusha: Warlords was getting the remaster treatment, which was an announcement that longtime fans were thrilled to hear. While there were rumors...
Cross-play between various gaming platforms has become pretty popular in recent years, as it essentially allows a game’s multiplayer base to increase and stay populated for...
Crash Bandicoot was once a critically acclaimed PlayStation exclusive franchise, and then it turned into a series of multiplatform games with fluctuating quality. The series returned...
The news that Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon would be the last Pokemon games for the 3DS hit gamers rather hard. No more Pokemon games on Nintendo’s premier portable...
The Nintendo Switch had a very solid development throughout the year. It became one of the most successful video game consoles of the year. So much...