Let’s talk about Nintendo in an objective perspective for a second. Nintendo loves to break from the norm and their products reflect this philosophy. The success...
Do you believe in horror games for the Nintendo Switch? Well, some of the more enthusiastic users might get a very pleasant surprise. It seems like...
The first bit of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC was The Master Trials, which included several new modes, armor, and upgrades for the Master...
Several years ago, game demos were dying out, but now they seem to be making a comeback. High profile games such as Destiny 2, Resident Evil 7, and South Park:...
Christmas is one of the most important times of the year for many people. Mainly because we see a lot of acts of kindness from some...
Nintendo Switch owners will receive a special gift in time for the holidays: Yooka-Laylee! As someone who backed the game, let me be the first to say...
The Nintendo Switch has made its mark on gamers’ hearts. The popularity of the console despite defects is nothing short of amazing. Nintendo made a very...
Speaking of hugely successful games and consoles, Cuphead has seen a huge customer base on its console version. It’s a widely successful game with a major...
2017 shall be known as the year where Nintendo made a comeback from the worst situation ever. The Switch basically came back to the headlines with...
Inti Creates has announced a new expansion to Blaster Master Zero for the Nintendo Switch. In the game, you’ll find a new competitive 1-vs-1 player setting....