The “Final Fantasy” series is one of Square Enix’s most expansive titles to date. A total of 15 main games and a myriad of spinoffs under...
One of my favorite past times is to watch Youtube videos, if you want a place where creativity reigns supreme you are only a few clicks...
The word terrorism elicits a visceral response, which is unsurprising as it contains the word “terror” in it. Terrorism in the West has gained particular public...
With E3 right around the corner, we’re in for some really big announcements in the gaming industry and further information on games that have already been...
Game prices are relatively cheap in the modern day. I know forking over $60 doesn’t sound very cheap, but considering the prices haven’t adjusted much for...
A lot of us know Japan can get pretty out there with their shows. Their Anime series is no exception to this rule, in fact what...
Oh my gosh guys! Did you hear about the news on Twitter? Random dilapidated game developer #341 is remaking this obscure game nobody cared about twenty...
As of right now, we know next to nothing about the new Assassin’s Creed. Even the featured image of this article above is just fanart made...
Trump. He is a president that loves tweeting so much that perhaps in the distant future, assuming we have a future, I imagine that history books...
Batman is an iconic character. Everyone knows Batman and almost everyone likes Batman. But not everyone discovered Batman via his original source material. I speak of...