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Highway to Heaven – space elevators might change the way we travel to space sooner than you think




Space elevator

Even with all the improvements in terms of cost efficiency over the past few decades, getting stuff into space is pretty expensive. With the Space Shuttle, the cost was $10,000 per pound, now SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy can bring stuff into orbit for a comparatively modest $800. But still, $15,000 for a person isn’t exactly cheap, not to mention the fact it’s still quite dangerous. Almost a century after the first rocket flight, we still have no better way of going to space that strapping astronauts and cargo to containers with thousands of tons of highly flammable fuel and hoping for the best. It’s hard to come up with a sensible, practical way of escaping our planet’s grip and reaching orbit – so scientists, engineers, and science-fiction writers had to come up with a non-sensible one: building a space elevator!

The basic idea is really simple: all you need is a very long cable made from some high-tech, ultra-strong material which goes from the surface of the Earth to a satellite in orbit, and of course a climber, the elevator itself. While this might seem far-fetched, the science works out, and we actually have most of the knowledge, as well as the materials to do it. Now all that’s left is for the economics to work out, too.

The key component of the entire structure is the cable or tether, which has to be strong enough to support its own weight, as well as that of the climber and the cargo contained within it on the extremely long ascent into space. The most promising candidate is carbon nanotube technology. Carbon nanotubes are basically sheets of carbon one atom thick which are folded into tiny cylinders, with some really amazing properties: they are incredibly light, yet a lot stronger than steel, and are extremely good conductors of heat and electricity. As you might expect for such a high-tech material, production isn’t exactly booming, so it will still be a while until we get all the material we need to actually reach space – nevertheless, it’s only a matter of time until the industry reaches the maturity required for these kinds of projects.

While carbon nanotubes are intriguing and everything, the large scale production of this material is merely a logistics problem, so it isn’t all that interesting. It’s a lot more interesting to think about what keep the Space Elevator from falling to Earth, like a whip dozens of times the radius of the planet, something which would cause unspeakable amounts of damage (always a good to think about these things before embarking on such a project). Well, that’s where our friend physics comes in. The Space Elevator will have to be built in such a way that its center of mass will be at 36,000 km, where the main docking station will be located. This height isn’t chosen at random – 36,000 km above ground at the Equator is where geostationary satellites orbit, because this is the point where orbital velocity is equal to the rotational velocity of the Earth (this, by the way, means that the Space Elevator will have to be anchored somewhere along the Equator, either on land or over the ocean). In other words, something orbiting our planet at this height will always remain above the same spot above ground – which is important if you want to keep that cable straight.

The Space Elevator doesn’t stop there, however. Thousands of kilometers above the main docking station there’s a counterweight, which can either be something we sent up there, or even a small asteroid we’ve commandeered (clearly the more awesome option!). In much the same way that if you tie a rope around an object and you start to swing it through air, the rope becomes straight, the Space Elevator’s tether becomes taut, under the effect of the centrifugal force. No rockets or ion thrusters or any other sci-fi propulsion technology needed – simple physics principles keep the Space Elevator stable! Also, since the cable can go as far into space as 47,000 km (or even 144,000 km!), objects can easily be launched from there into outer space, to the Moon, Mars, or beyond, since the escape velocity at those heights is much lower than it is closer to home.

Space elevator

The basic concept of the space elevator. Image: ESA.

Finally, there’s the issue of how the container itself will be brought up to the docking station in orbit. Compared to the previous issues I’ve mentioned, this seems almost trivial. Lasers or magnetic levitation technology (like what is used to power high speed trains in Japan and South Korea) are readily available today and could do the job perfectly. It would nevertheless be a long ride, which would most likely take a few days, but it would be safer and more comfortable than rocket flight, not to mention a lot cheaper, opening up space travel to a lot more people.

Building a structure that actually goes from the surface of our planet into space is one of the most ambitious feats of engineering ever envisioned. And yet people are actually starting to seriously consider it, not just because this is exactly the kind of mind-blowing project humans regularly embark on, but also because it has the potential to change the way we work in and explore space. When asked when would space elevators become a reality, Arthur C. Clarke (who wrote a novel which popularized the concept called The Fountains of Paradise) is said to have replied “about ten years after they stop laughing.” Though the task is still an immensely challenging one, it appears at least that people now have their game faces on.

Who doesn’t enjoy listening to a good story. Personally I love reading about the people who inspire me and what it took for them to achieve their success. As I am a bit of a self confessed tech geek I think there is no better way to discover these stories than by reading every day some articles or the newspaper . My bookcases are filled with good tech biographies, they remind me that anyone can be a success. So even if you come from an underprivileged part of society or you aren’t the smartest person in the room we all have a chance to reach the top. The same message shines in my beliefs. All it takes to succeed is a good idea, a little risk and a lot of hard work and any geek can become a success. VENI VIDI VICI .

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Artificial diamonds produced within minutes, rather than days, have the potential to disrupt the economics of natural gemstones





A novel approach to diamond production eliminates the need for extreme temperatures and pressures, thus making it possible to create diamonds at a significantly reduced cost. The world of precise crystal manipulation, as depicted in the science fiction novel The Diamond Age, may be within reach sooner than anticipated.

Despite our knowledge of synthetic diamond production dating back to the 1950s, the prevailing method still involves subjecting materials to extreme temperatures of 1,300–1,600 °C (2,400–2,900 °F) and applying 50,000 atmospheres of pressure for a period of 5–12 days. This has been instrumental in meeting the industrial demand for diamonds as cutting instruments while also offering unique colors for those with a preference for rare hues. Nevertheless, the expense of the procedure is comparable to that of discovering natural diamonds, whether for industrial use or as high-quality gemstones, which allows the mining industry to persist.

There might be a significant shift on the horizon as a method to produce diamonds under normal atmospheric pressure has been unveiled. The temperatures remain high at 1,025 °C (1,877 °F), but even at this level, significant savings can be achieved compared to the current heat requirements.

Low-pressure diamonds were once considered a paradoxical concept. Natural diamonds form deep within the Earth’s mantle under immense pressure from layers of crust above, and many of them were created long before complex life forms existed. The synthetic version utilizes liquid metal catalysts, but high pressures in the gigapascal range are still deemed necessary.

Nevertheless, scientists at Korea’s Institute for Basic Science have challenged this notion by demonstrating that diamonds can be grown using a liquid metal alloy of gallium, iron, nickel, and silicon, even without applying significant pressure in a hydrogen/methane atmosphere. The carbon in the diamond is derived from methane.

“This groundbreaking achievement was made possible through human creativity, persistent dedication, and the collaborative efforts of numerous contributors,” Professor Rod Ruoff stated. He omitted a significant amount of trial and error, which the team at the Institute employed while fine-tuning the combination of metals and other variables. When the team switched to a smaller chamber, they were able to make real progress in a surprisingly short amount of time, even though making the diamond itself was a quick process.

After extensive research, it was discovered that the diamonds tend to form at the lower part of the liquid alloy consisting of 77.75 percent gallium, 0.25 percent silicon, and 11 percent each of iron and nickel. It’s not a ratio that comes to mind right away. In addition, seed particles are not necessary for the production of these synthetic diamonds, unlike traditional methods.

“One day, when I conducted the experiment, subsequently cooled the graphite crucible to solidify the liquid metal, and extracted the solidified piece, I observed a fascinating pattern resembling a rainbow that extended over a few millimeters on the bottom surface of this piece,” shared graduate student Yan Gong. “We discovered that the colors of the rainbow are caused by diamonds!”


The process typically takes around 10 to 15 minutes to initiate diamond formation, with growth ceasing after approximately 150 minutes. However, the team is actively exploring methods to address this limitation.

The diamonds produced thus far are of a smaller size, resembling a film rather than a precious gemstone. As a result, diamond companies do not need to be overly concerned at this point. That could potentially change if scientists discover ways to enhance the supersaturated carbon layer that comes before the formation of diamonds. The silicon vacancy, which is highly sought after for creating colored diamonds, can also be created by nitrogen impurities. This characteristic makes these diamonds perfect for conducting experiments in the field of quantum computing.

The exact reasons behind the desired outcome of this particular combination of metals and gases remain a subject of ongoing investigation. The resemblance between silicon and carbon bonds is believed to play a crucial role. It is possible that carbon clusters containing silicon atoms could act as precursors to diamonds.

Mass production rarely relies on the initial iteration of a process demonstrated in a laboratory. According to Ruoff, there are several lower melting point metals that could be beneficial in terms of cost reduction or in creating diamonds with specific shades or properties.

The study has been published in the prestigious journal Nature.

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Solar power surpassed coal in Texas for a whole month, marking the first time this has occurred





There is a significant shift taking place in the way we generate electricity, even in the areas where it faces strong opposition. Texas is a prime example of the remarkable progress in renewable power, with continuous record-breaking achievements despite facing opposition from influential individuals.

In February 2021, a severe cold snap placed immense strain on the Texas electricity grid, resulting in extensive blackouts that tragically resulted in the loss of life and brought the region perilously close to catastrophe. As expected, certain individuals quickly pointed fingers at wind power as the cause of the issues, despite the fact that the majority of the capacity loss occurred in gas-fired power stations. They were, however, accompanied by a large number of influential Texas politicians, including the governor, which strongly suggested that they would favor continuously operating energy sources.

Instead, there has been a remarkable increase in the installation of photovoltaic panels since then. In March, solar power surpassed coal as the leading source of electricity in Texas, marking a significant milestone.

According to the Institute for Energy Economic and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the main power grid for most Texans, used a significant amount of solar-generated electricity in March. The total consumption reached 3.26 million megawatt hours (MWh). In comparison, 2.96 million MWh were generated from coal, making the difference approximately 10 percent.

In March, solar production experienced a significant increase of 56 percent compared to the previous year. This growth was three times higher than the March that occurred after the devastating freeze.

IEEFA highlights a series of significant achievements. In March, solar energy accounted for over 10 percent of ERCOT’s electricity generation, marking a significant milestone. At the same time, coal’s contribution fell below 10 percent for the first time.

Even in January, solar power played a crucial role in preventing a system meltdown during a cold snap by meeting nearly a quarter of the demand in the middle of the day.

The records will continue to be broken. By the end of the year, Texas is projected to add over 7 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity to its grid, representing a nearly 30% increase from current levels. Despite potentially less favorable weather conditions, next March is expected to bring even more significant growth in solar energy. Exciting developments are in the works for additional enhancements in 2025. According to the Energy Information Administration, a government agency, solar power is projected to surpass coal as the primary source of electricity in Texas for the entire year.

The demand in Texas is not experiencing significant growth to accommodate the surplus production, especially when considering the slower growth of wind power. Consequently, there is a need to eliminate something from the market. Up until now, the primary source has been coal, not gas. In 2017, approximately 30% of the energy consumed in Texas came from coal. This year, it might exceed 10 percent for the year, even though it dipped below in March, but if it does, it won’t be by a significant margin.

Texans have been known for their tendency to go big in everything they do, including their use of coal. However, times are changing. Last year, it consumed twice as much coal for electricity compared to any other state. The decrease in coal usage in Texas has outpaced the national average, although other states are also making significant progress.

Critics of renewable energy often claim that solar power is ineffective when the sun is not shining. However, it is worth noting that Texas is currently at the forefront of battery installation in the United States. Actually, it’s going above and beyond. When it comes to solar, Texas and America as a whole lag significantly behind China in absolute terms and many countries on a per capita basis. However, when it comes to large-scale battery systems that can store surplus energy during the day and discharge it in the evening, Texas is at the forefront of global innovation.

In a recent report, it was stated that Texas currently has 5.2 GW of operational battery storage, with projections indicating that this number will increase to 10.9 GW by the end of the year. Solar power will ensure that the lights stay on long into the night.

Renewable energy has faced opposition for years from skeptics who doubted its viability, only to be proven wrong time and time again by its success in various locations.

One of the main factors driving the rapid growth of solar energy in Texas, despite the challenges posed by a government that is not particularly supportive of renewable power, is its significantly lower cost compared to other alternatives. If that’s true in Texas, the largest source of fossil gas in the United States, it’s likely that other places will soon follow suit with the energy revolution.

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Anduril advances in the Pentagon program aimed at developing unmanned combat jets





Anduril Industries has made significant progress in its ambition to become the leading American prime contractor, surpassing major defense organizations in the development and testing of small unmanned fighter jet prototypes.

The venture capital favorite outperformed Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman in securing the order as part of the Air Force’s Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) program. General Atomics was one of the five recipients of the prize.

As part of the contract work, Anduril and General Atomics will collaborate to design, manufacture, and test “production representative test articles,” according to a statement by the Air Force. The Air Force will make a definitive manufacturing decision in fiscal year 2026 and get fully operational aircraft from vendors by the end of the decade, resulting in a multibillion-dollar investment. The Air Force’s decision to choose multiple companies for delivering production aircraft remains uncertain.

The agreement has the potential to be highly profitable for Anduril. The ultimate goal of the CCA program is to produce a minimum of 1,000 combat aircraft that will operate alongside manned platforms, such as the F-35, and independently deploy their own weapons. The CCA program is a component of the Air Force’s Next Generation Air Dominance strategy, which seeks to update the entirety of its flying systems, including piloted aircraft. Boeing and Lockheed are currently being considered for contracts related to manned systems.

Anduril’s success is largely attributed to Fury, an independent aerial vehicle that it obtained through the acquisition of Blue Force Technologies, a company based in North Carolina, last year. Anduril swiftly transitioned from acquiring the technology to achieving a significant defense award within a year.

Investors, including Founders Fund, valued the seven-year-old company Anduril at $8.5 billion in 2022 when it announced its $1.48 billion Series E. The renowned 31-year-old co-founder of the company, Palmer Luckey, has been vocal about his goal to overturn the prevailing zero-sum model in defense spending, where the defense industry giants emerge victorious while the taxpayer suffers. He aims to achieve this by constructing more affordable assets at a significantly accelerated rate.

“Anduril’s involvement in this program has only just started,” stated Jason Levin, Senior Vice President of Anduril. “To ensure the future success of the United States and its allies, it is necessary to deliver CCAs (countermeasures) with a high level of efficiency, affordability, and magnitude in order to surpass the advancing threat.” We anticipate the continuation of our relationship with the U.S. Air Force in order to promptly provide this essential capacity to our Airmen.

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