Two popular super-hero series are coming together in an all-new clash in an upcoming animated movie that’s inspired by the comic series featuring Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja...
For years geeks have loved seeing their favorite comic book superheroes on the big screen. Batman has consistently done well. With the success of the Dark Knight trilogy...
When I walked into the Batman Ninja panel, I expected an anime where Bruce Wayne (or his equivalent) was born in feudal Japan and trained to become...
Yes, you read the title correctly. NetherRealm Studios announced that Black Manta, Raiden, and Hellboy are coming to Injustice 2. Things are about to get interesting....
In a fighting game, especially those with characters that have established histories and fan bases like the DC-skinned Injustice 2, everyone will have their favorite characters....
In this episode of Arrow following the exploits of Star City’s Emerald Archer, there is actually very little archery. The episode picks right up where last...
Joss Whedon, the acclaimed director of the Avengers and Avengers Age of Ultron, appears to be heading to DC and Warner Brothers to direct a standalone...
Let’s be honest: most people treat Batman vs. Superman as a huge fail. In this Marvel vs. DC showdown the last strongly needs to catch up its...
After two days of releasing teasers for the main cast of heroes, except for Superman, we finally have our first official trailer for the DC superhero...
Steve is going to face a ancient enemy alone on June 7 Since this June is the premiere of Warner Bros.’s “Wonder Woman,” DC Comics will...