With Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat stepping down from Doctor Who this Christmas, this Comic Con served as their last as part of the show. Capaldi...
This Christmas, for the first time ever, the clock will strike 13. With it being long confirmed and painfully certain that Peter Capaldi will be stepping...
The latest Doctor Who episode, “World Enough and Time,” aired this past weekend. Unlike the previous episodes, which either had political themes or were nothing more...
Doctor Who has been around in one form or another since 1963. As a science-fiction series about a time-traveling alien and his blue police box that...
It does my heart good to see prestigious, academic institutions and groups embrace geek culture with open arms, and few are more prestigious and academic than...
After the last episode of Doctor Who ‘Face the Raven’, in which Clara Oswald died, a lot of fans are wondering who is going to take...
To be honest, I started watching Doctor Who because a friend suggested it and I wasn’t caught in on it at first, but after the 10th...
Although there are no plans including a big budget Doctor Who movie, by 2017 we will see Doctor Who’s famous robot dog, K9 in cinemas. The...
Doctor Who’s assistant Clara Oswald played by Jenna Coleman has announced that the decision of her leaving the show has already been made. There were a...
The 9th season of Doctor Who will air on 19th September and it comes with interesting news about this year’s Christmas Special. For the first time,...