Killjoys is a very interesting tale on VRV that follows the story of three bounty hunters as they try to cash in on warrants. The kicker is...
LitRPG is the up and coming new genre in science fiction and fantasy. But where’s a good place to start if it’s something you might be interested...
Created by Chris Carter, The X-Files first hit our TV screens back in 1993 and originally ran until 2002. Following in the footsteps of 2 FBI agents,...
The Utopia expansion is the first major addition to Paradox’s awesome space Grand Strategy game is going to hit our digital shelves on the 6th of...
Currently in production, the sci-fi epic, “What Happened to Monday?” from director Tommy Wirkola (Dead Snow) tackles the serious global concerns of overpopulation and starvation in...
or Now is the era of the franchise, and it’s all Star Wars’ fault. Seriously. Since Star Wars and its epic merchandising campaign, successful movie franchises have...
As the month of May nears the halfway point, many networks have finalized their lineups for next fall. Due to a strong showing from many genre...
I was just a little kid when the first movie came out so this news kinda throws me back in time a little. After 20 years from...