How To
How To Pass Cisco 500-551 Certification Exam

Cisco’s certification programs are of high value and are used as a tool to recruit networking professionals. They have widely respected IT certification programs that are made available through Cisco career certifications. Cisco certifications are divided into 4 levels among various certification types. The certifications start with the entry level followed by associate, professional and expert. The various fields in which the certification programs are available are as follows:
- Architect
- Cloud
- Cybersecurity
- Data center
- Routing and Switching
- Security
- Wireless Technology
- Service Provider
- Technical specialist
- AppDynamics
In this article we will discuss about Cisco 500-551 exam and what are Cisco exams like.
Cisco 500-551 exam is about the express specialization track. The express specialization track contains six tracks. The Express specialization track can be achieved using any of the following tracks.
- Video Express Track
- Service Provider Express Track
- Networking Express Track
- Security Express Track
- Data Center Express Track
- Collaboration Express Track
The Specialization has a flexible application process. You will only need one track, but can achieve multiple tracks at the same time. Though, multiple tracks can be achieved at the same time you will be awarded only one express specialization.
What is within each express track?
Collaboration Express Track consist of the following roles:
Account Manager: You will be responsible for sales methodology and customer engagement.
Engineer: The responsibility if the engineer would be to plan and design presales solution. This role requires both business and technical skills.
Data Center Express Track consists of the following roles:
Account Manager: Same responsibility as mentioned above:
Systems Engineer: Responsible for presales unified fabric technology solution planning and design.
Other tracks have the same roles with variant specifications. For more information, you can visit the official Cisco website.
What are Cisco Exams look like?
- All Cisco exams are proctored, timed and delivered in a secure environment.
- Regular exams are not that lengthy, they last 1 or 2 hours while lab exams typically last 8 hours.
- Cisco Exams can be very challenging. The question types include:
- Multiple choice single answer types
- Multiple choice multiple answer types
- Drag and drop
- Fill in the blanks
- Simulations
- One good thing about Cisco exams is that they provide candidates with erasable note board and markers for notes and calculations.
- Most of the exams contain non-scored items to collect performance data on new items. They are not used to determine passing scores. All non-scored items are placed randomly inside the exam with sufficient time given to complete the exam.
How are the exams conducted?
Cisco exams are delivered through Pearson VUE. Only the CCIE lab exams are delivered separately.
How to register for the exam?
First, decide which exam to take and note the exam name and code. Then, gather all your personal details like government id, email address, home address, etc. After that you can visit the Pearson VUE site and fill in the details.
Cisco offers two types of exams. The Pearson VUE web account is used to schedule or purchase the type of exam.
- Proctored Exam: Most of Cisco certifications are delivered in a proctored environment at a Pearson VUE test center located all over the world.
For more information, visit their official website.
- Self-administered Online exam: Cisco exams that begin with 650 or 700 exam codes are self- administered and can be taken from anywhere. All you will need is a good internet connection
at the location from where you will take the exam. You can purchase an online exam also at Pearson VUE website.
How to pass the exam?
Let us move on to the most important topic of the article. How to pass the Cisco 500-551 exam.
There are plenty of tools available online and you can browse materials outside too. We have mentioned a few below:
- Certification Genie
People who have used certification genie for exam preparation were able to nail their required professional exam. The exam materials have been designed by the subject matter experts and they offer a free demo of their materials as well for you to test their quality before spending money.
- Pass4sure
Pass4sure will provide you with the most updated cisco 500-551 dumps. You will get your material in a PDF format and that too at a lower price. They have 4 options available for you to spend money on.
- The 2 exams PDF files are available at $69.98.
- The 3exams PDF files are available at $97.98.
- The 4 exams PDF files are available at $119.98
- The 5 exams PDFs are available at $137.47.
With so many options available, you can select any one depending on your requirements and Pass4sure guarantees that if you prepare well with their materials you will be able to achieve great score in the exam. They also guarantee that if you don’t pass the exam in your first attempt they will refund you the money.
AioTestking provides valid and updated dumps with correct answers. They too guarantee that you can
successfully clear the exam if you follow their instructions carefully. On the website you can find .vce
files and they are FREE. What you need is just to have VCE Player on your PC or mobile device. It’s a
great opportunity to prepare for the exam efficiently. They also give information about a practice test
software for Cisco 500-551 exam that will boost your confidence and help you prepare properly for the
test. You can visit their website for more information.
Cisco 500-551 exam is not hard to crack. All you need is some experience and proper training to be well-prepared for the certification program. Once you complete the certification and get rewarded with it, you will find new opportunities to grow in the industry.
How To
Unresponsive Screen On Your iPhone X? Try A Few Of These Solutions

Getting an unresponsive screen? Frustrated that your brand new iPhone X model is taking loads of time to get you from one page to the next? There’s plenty of reasons as to why this untimely issue will find its way onto your iPhone, so let’s take a look as to how we can troubleshoot this problem before resorting to taking the issue up with Apple Support.
Restart Your Phone
The easiest method of a possible solution to an unresponsive screen will be to give your phone a complete shut down. Hold down the power button of your iPhone X — which is found on the side of the phone — and wait for the option to swipe the screen to power off. Wait a little while, a couple of minutes should do, and hold the same button down until you see the screen power on. Often times this will sort out a minor glitch in the software and your iPhone may be back to its regular working condition.
Check Your Memory Space
The most common problem for an unresponsive screen is a phone that’s jam packed full of data and content. The slow response time can be hindered by a library full of pictures, recordings, apps or any type of content saved to your phone’s memory. Try deleting any unnecessary files left on your phone, such as old downloads, images you never use (looking at you collection of memes) or apps/games that you never use. Freeing up space on your phone can be the difference between having a phone that takes forever to load in or a quick, responsive phone that’s not taking up your entire day to load.
How Many Apps Are Open?
Similar to having too much data saved onto your phone, running your phone hot with a mess of open applications can greatly slow down the performance. Unused applications running can be a major issue on your phone and can cause a traffic jam on your phone which in turn results in a poor performing iPhone. Simply swipe up on your screen and click the delete (minus) button to rid your phone of what could be your pesky problem. It’s also a good idea to reboot your phone after closing out all applications and checking to see if your issue has been resolved.
Is Your Phone’s Apps Updated? How About Your Phone?
So maybe you’ve cleared away all of your unused open applications, rebooted your phone and you’re still having unresponsive screen issues. You might want to go ahead and check for any updates to any of the apps installed on your phone. You’ll find the ‘Update’ icon on the Apple Store’s homepage. From there you’re able to update any necessary applications to keep your iPhone X running smoothly.
And if the applications are all up to date, why not try updating your iOS software. In the ‘Settings’ menu under the ‘General’ tab you’ll find the option to perform a software update. Your iPhone will scan for any available iOS updates and begin installing them automatically. Give your phone a quick reboot and check if the issue has been solved.
Factory Reset
One last option, i none of the other solutions fixed the unresponsive screen issue, is to perform a factory reset. Make sure, if you’re able, to save any data, images or video on a backup device so you don’t risk losing any precious data. In the ‘General’ tab under the ‘Settings’ option you’ll find the ‘Reset’ button. From there you’ll want to hit ‘Erase all content and settings’ and confirm the reset with your Apple pass-code. This should be your very last option if none of the other solutions fix the issue.
Once reset, check to see if the problem has been solved. If so, then congratulations and make sure to keep an eye on all of the above maintenance strategies. If not, then you have a bigger issue than simple software solutions and need to contact Apple Support for more info.
How To
Getting Screen Burn On Your iPhone X? Here’s How To Avoid And Fix The Issue

The illustrious iPhone X model is a powerhouse of technology that, when affordable, bring users an experience like no other Apple iPhone has offered before. Though most of the time the iPhone X works flawlessly, there are still occasional issues that plague or frustrate the user.
Throughout the list of obstacles and issues that many iPhone users may run into, the problems that arise from the slick OLED screen might be some of the most annoying. The screen is the first (and typically only) piece of the phone you’ll look at. It’s easy to notice an issue with the iPhone’s flashy screen, such as screen burn.
If you’ve been running into this stubborn screen burn issue, then keep reading as we try to warn you of how to avoid these problems showing up. And if they do appear on your phone, then hopefully we can solve the issue without calling up Apple Support.
What Is Screen Burn?
Transparent images that stay after they’re welcome is a sign of screen burn, or its less permanent sibling, image retention. Leaving images on your iPhone X’s OLED screen can cause the image to burn into the screen, leaving behind a deceptive, see-through image which will continuously annoy the user over time.
The best way to avoid any type of screen burn is to avoid keeping your iPhone unlocked and displaying an image over long periods of time. This is the number cause of screen burn, so digging into your settings and adjusting your Auto-Lock feature will allow your iPhone to automatically shut off the screen when not in use after a specific period of time (which is completely adjustable). You’ll find the Auto-Lock feature within the ‘Display & Brightness’ tab that’s located in the ‘Settings’ app.
Also, turning on Auto-Brightness feature will allow the iPhone to automatically scale down super-bright screen images to avoid screen burn, but also helps with battery conservation. You’ll find the ‘Auto-Brightness’ tab by heading to the ‘Settings’ app, followed by the ‘General’ tab. Once there, tap on over to the Accessibility option and then click on the ‘Display Accommodations’ to find the useful ‘Auto-Brightness’ feature.
Keeping Auto-Lock fully engaged, your brightness levels down and just plain avoiding super bright images staying on-screen for long periods will all help you avoid the pesky screen burn issue with your iPhone X.
How To Solve Screen Burn?
Unfortunately, screen burn is one problematic issue that doesn’t come with a variety of solutions. Though not always permanent, screen burn may often times be able to disappear after not using the iPhone and powering off the device. Keeping the phone off for anywhere from 20 minutes to a few days could help reduce or completely negate the screen burn issue. However, this won’t always fix the problem, and depending on how severe the burn is, you may be looking at replacing the screen all together.
If leaving the phone off for a few days still doesn’t completely solve the screen burn, try turning the iPhone on and just using it. This may help rid the screen of any remaining burn spots and saving your wallet from an expensive hard lesson learned.
If the screen burn is still persistent after trying the above solutions, this is when you’ll more than likely be either looking to replace the flashy OLED screen, or just dealing with the burn issue. Sorry. The expensive iPhone X is made of quality, and often fragile tech that, when misused, can cost a pretty penny to fix. Apple Support will guide you through the process, and hopefully you’ll still have an Apple warranty in play if you run into this permanent issue.
Source: MacWorld
How To
Speaker Not Working On Your iPhone X? Try These Fixes

Apple introduced the iPhone X in 2017 and the smart device is astounding. The fluid design and OLED screen are near flawless and provide an experience like no other phone can provide. That being said, there’s still a flurry of issues that have surfaced since the phone’s inception, and most of them leave users mildly frustrated. Thankfully, there are plenty of solutions to help you through the struggles.
Today, we’re taking a look at the speaker issue that has iPhone X users claiming the person they’re calling can hear them, but the user can’t hear a thing. There’s a few simple solutions to solving this issue, but if none of these work, you may have an underlying hardware issue that, unfortunately, may require manufacturer repairs, or worse, a new phone.
Hopefully that won’t be the case. So let’s take a look at some of the solutions to the soundless speaker issue for the iPhone X.
Reset Settings
The first step is to simply reset all of the settings back to default on the phone. This will allow the phone to return to its retail form, in hopes of reverting any ongoing issues that wouldn’t normally be found on the phone itself. You’ll find the easiest method of reverting your settings is to navigate to the ‘Settings’ on the home screen, and from there click on the ‘General’ tab. Second, scroll down and find the ‘Reset’ tab followed by the confirmation to ‘Reset All Setting’ options, which the user will then need to enter their private iPhone pass code to continue. Finally, simply reboot your phone.
This is the easiest method and takes the least amount of effort on the users side. Once the settings have been reverted to their original form, check your speaker by making a call and see if the issue has been resolved. If so, carefully return your settings to where you initially had them one at a time and check your speaker to see if you can find the issue. If the problem wasn’t fixed by this solution, read on.
Reformatting or Factory Reset
The second solution is to attempt a factory reset on the phone. This method will completely wipe your all data stored on your iPhone X, so be sure to back up all important data, either to an external storage drive or computer. To return your phone back to its original form, not just the settings like the solution above, first you’ll open the ‘Settings’ followed by the ‘General’ tab. Hit the ‘Reset’ button like in the above solution, but instead of simply resetting the settings, you’ll want to tap ‘Erase All Content and Settings’. One again, you’ll then be instructed to enter you iPhone pass code followed by a confirmation to erase and reset your iPhone.
This solution helps deal with any pesky bugs that may be affecting any software issues related to specific pieces of hardware, such as your speaker. If your speaker begins to work, you may begin adding back any data that you may have backed up before the factory reset. Make sure to check your speaker again once you’ve added all the data back to your phone.
Hardware Issue
If neither of these solutions fixed your issue then you may want to run a test to see if your speaker itself is faulty. Recording yourself through the voice recording and playing it back will allow you to resolve if your iPhone X has a hardware problem, not merely a software glitch. Voice Memo is a solid application for voice recording and typically only takes a couple of minutes of sleuthing to figure out.
If after you record your voice and select the option to play it back and you hear nothing, then you have a hardware issue and your iPhone needs physical repairs. Be sure to check with the other solutions before getting in touch with Apple for repairs, however, because it will be much simpler to reset your settings, as well as much quicker than waiting for Apple to repair your iPhone X.
Source: ikream
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