What’s been a long time coming, the sequel to 2005’s action-adventure game, Psychonauts, finally revealed itself during this week’s Game Awards show. The game was officially...
Since E3 2018, publisher Bethesda has been teasing fans with chaotic game trailers, screenshots and lively details on their upcoming sequel, RAGE 2. However, Avalanche Studios...
The Game Awards is now in its fifth year and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. There were many reasons to watch the show last night,...
The latest installment in the annual Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops 4, has been grabbing hold of the competitive multiplayer world since its release back...
At this year’s annual Game Awards show there were plenty of new game announcements. Starting off the night in what would be a string of new...
With a surprise teaser trailer earlier this week, the folks at Ubisoft have officially unveiled the newest upcoming entry in the Far Cry series, Far Cry...
With rumors swirling for what seems like an eternity, game creator and founder of Netherrealm Studios, Ed Boon, has officially unveiled the highly-anticipated fighter, Mortal Kombat...
Since beginning in the 1990s, the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game has gone through a multitude of changes. New cards types are introduced regularly, and a card’s viability...
Anthem, the up and coming MMO developed by Bioware, recently held registration for a closed Alpha. The registration ended December 3rd, so if you wanted to...
The fifth annual Game Awards is set to take place tonight, which will come with lots of celebrating of great games along with lots of new...