The Final Fantasy series has been accompanying people’s dreams and adventures for 30 years. Especially in Japan, considering that the popular franchise by Square-Enix has made...
I am a big Sonic Fan, that much can be said without needing to do anything more than Reading my Sonic Mania review. And as a...
Jettomero is a very odd game to talk about in and of itself. Because when you really think about it, there really isn’t much to talk...
It seems like the previous incident with Firewatch and Pewdiepie has caught the attention of Valve. Through a blog post the company underlines a few changes...
The equinox is almost here, and the developers at Niantic plan to celebrate with a special egg-themed Pokemon GO event. Starting September 22nd, trainers can participate...
If you are anything like me, you completely missed the announcement for the The Cyanide & Happiness Adventure Game Kickstarter campaign, but the creators at ExplosmEntertainment have provided...
The Tokyo Game Show is almost here, and Capcom has prepared an all-new trailer for Monster Hunter World to hype the latest entry in its flagship franchise. The...
Gran Turismo: Sport is the upcoming game follow-up to the Racing Simulator games for the PlayStation 4. However, if the recent post is to be believed,...
The Nintendo Switch is a console that has seen nothing but success. One of the issues I had with the system wasn’t with the graphic fidelity...
It was never a matter of “if”, just when. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds’ popularity increased exponentially since it was announced for early access. It happened out of nowhere...