In 2009, the world was set a blaze by the all-time best grossing film, Avatar. Directed by James Cameron, Avatar broke records and launched the film...
Running strong as the longest running prime-time television series, The Simpson are showing no signs of stopping any time soon. The hilarious cartoon series started off...
Known as the most popular serial killer in America, Ted Bundy shocked the world with his incredibly violent crimes and murders for more than a decade....
The follow-up to Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, is easily one of the most anticipated films gearing up for release. With it’s special commercial spot during...
While many can debate on the quality of superheroes or stories between Marvel and DC, this isn’t about that. This is about one of the things that...
For years geeks have loved seeing their favorite comic book superheroes on the big screen. Batman has consistently done well. With the success of the Dark Knight trilogy...
Gaming icons continue to make their way over to the cinema side of the entertainment medium, and the latest crossover tease comes in the form of...
VRV is a relatively recent development in the streaming world. It’s only a year or two old compared to the many years that streaming sites such...
Killjoys is a very interesting tale on VRV that follows the story of three bounty hunters as they try to cash in on warrants. The kicker is...
Last September Netflix announced that they would be creating a live-action Avatar The Last Airbender based on the hit kids show from Nickelodeon. It’s a cartoon...