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Analyzing How the Latest Changes on the Overwatch PTR Will Affect the Meta





The latest patch on the Overwatch PTR featured some interesting changes. McCree, Reinhardt, and Zarya, three non-dive characters, got a couple of buffs. While this will certainly influence higher picks rates, it will hardly do much to the current meta.

First things first, let’s look at the proposed changes and the Blizzard forums:



Now slows targets significantly when they are stunned. This makes them less likely to slide away around a corner or something similar once they are stunned.


Shadow Step

VO and SFX distance dramatically reduced.



Swing speed increased by ~10%. On top of the swing speed increase, we’ve gone through and tweaked many timings and other things about the Hammer to make it more responsive. Overall it should feel a lot better to swing and make contact with enemies.


Impacting another charging hero (Doomfist or Reinhardt) no longer deals damage to both characters, but still causes a knockdown on both.


Graviton Surge

Now disables all movement abilities of affect targets. This is similar to how Junkrat’s trap affects abilities.

It’s worthy of noting that a few days after Jeff Kaplan said they wouldn’t make changes to take certain heroes out of the meta (specifically referring to fixes that would end the dive meta), these changes seem very… anti-dive. There’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s go hero by hero.

After his latest buffs, Reaper is already a lot more viable than he had been. The change to his Shadow Step simply means that the enemy won’t hear REPOSITIONING from as far away as they currently do. This increases Reaper’s Viability as a flanker, and actually helps him as a dive character.

The other three buffs are wholly anti-dive. McCree’s flashbang slowing stunned enemies down targets movement heroes specifically, especially the current meta dive characters. Now, a dashing Genji will be slown down to make a two shot a lot more easier. A tracer caught mid-blink won’t slide as far, making it easier to one-shot her. A speed boosting, wall riding Lucio will slow down, making him easy pickings for a talented McCree. While this is definitely an improvement, it’s not enough to make any serious impact. It feels like more of a quality of life switch than a heavy buff. Even the reason they gave for the buff preventing a stunned enemy from “sliding around a corner” isn’t too prevalent an issue with McCree or his kit to make for an impactful change. Still, already a pretty powerful hero in the right hands, McCree will definitely see more play time.

The tank changes are a little bigger. Zarya’s are huge, a clear anti-dive change. Her ultimate prevents all movement abilities, so no more double Blinks out or Guardian Angels to another hero. This means a Mercy caught in a surge is a dead mercy. Same goes for Tracer or Genji. Zarya is the most meta hero receiving a buff, so she’ll definitely see a spike in play time. She already works as a dive character, her bubble preventing much needed cover to diving Winstons, or Zenyattas getting dove on. She can dish out a nasty amount of DPS if she gets enough charge, and her ultimate was already of the best in the game. Her changes won’t change the meta, but it might see a reduction in D.Va play time. Zarya won’t become the most favored off-tank, but she’ll be fine with this huge buff.

As a Reinhardt player, these buffs are a dream. Just ask Cloud 9 main tank Kaiser. The swing speed is huge enough on it’s own, but tweaks to make it more responsive will make him a lot more reliable. This will make Reinhardt even better at holding chokes, able to take out squishies even quicker than before. The change in charge is also huge, as two Reinhardt’s charging each other won’t cause damage anymore. Knockback is still in effect, but saving that 175 HP is crucial. This also works with Doomfist, so Doomfist players can now avoid a charge by right-clicking into it. These changes make Reinhardt feel better to play, and definitely more viable. However, with the current state of the meta, heroes have too much movement for him. A good Tracer or Genji knows to avoid the range of the hammer, and Winstons and D.Vas can soak up a few hits before diving out. Still, in those situations where Reinhardt is needed, he’ll be much more powerful.

So, in total, when this patch hits we’ll see play time go up for a few heroes, but the meta will hardly change. Blizzard has to be careful with buffs to these characters, Zarya and McCree can be incredibly overpowered easily, so changes have to come incrementally. A team with Reinhardt, McCree, and Zarya is more viable than it once was, but a traditional dive comp still wins those team fights. With Doomfist on his way in the upcoming patch as well, dive will still be prevalent. He doesn’t add enough to change anything– if anything, he’ll make dive more viable with his own movement abilities. A Doomfist along with a well-timed dive would be a nightmare for a deathball comp. So, while McCree and Zarya’s buff against movement abilities and Reinhardt’s hammer dealing quicker damage definitely makes them more anti-dive heroes, it’s not enough to unseat Winston, Tracer, Genji, and D.Va from the current meta. Perhaps these changes are the start of what leads us to a more split-dive meta. As of right now, though, those days are far away.

Check out the current PTR patch notes here!


Ubisoft says that future Assassin’s Creed games will need more time to be made





As Assassin’s Creed Shadows is about to sneak up on people in November, Ubisoft says that the time between developing games needs to be longer to find the “right balance.” Shadows has been in development for four years, longer than any other game in the series up to this point. That includes the huge open-world epics Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Shadows lead producer Karl Onnée (thanks, says that the latest AC game took 25% longer to make than Valhalla. He says this is necessary to keep the quality of the series that it is known for: “It’s always a balance between time and costs, but the more time you have, the more you can iterate.” You can speed up a project by adding more people to it, but that doesn’t give you more time to make changes.

Onnée says this has as much to do with immersion and aesthetics as it does with fixing bugs and smoothing out pixels. This is because the development team needs time to learn about each new historical setting: “We are trying to make a game that is as real as possible.” We’re proud of it, and the process took a long time. In feudal Japan, building a house is very different from building a house in France or England in the Middle Ages. As an artist, you need to learn where to put things in a feudal Japanese home. For example, food might not belong there. Get all the information you need and learn it. That process takes a long time.”

You’ll have to wait a little longer for Ubisoft to work on each game. Are you okay with that? In what part of Shadows are you now? Is it interesting to you? Leave a comment below and let us know.


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You can now pre-order Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP on PS5





You can now pre-order Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP, a remaster that Dragami Games and Capcom both created. You can now pre-order the PS5 game on the PS Store for $44.99 or £39.99. If you have PS Plus, you can get an extra 10% off the price.

The company put out a new trailer with about three minutes of gameplay to mark the start of the pre-order period. Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP is a remaster of Grasshopper Manufacture’s crazy action game from 2012. You play as Juliet, a high school student who fights off waves of zombies.

The remaster adds RePOP mode, an alternative mode that swaps out the blood and gore for fun visual effects. It also adds a bunch of other features and improvements that make the game better overall. You can expect the graphics and sound to be better as well.

The game will now come out on September 12, 2024, instead of September 12, 2024. Are you excited to get back to this? Please cheer us on in the section below.

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This Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 zombies trailer is way too expensive





Is there really anyone who is following the story of Call of Duty’s zombie mode? We’ve known about the story in a vague way for a while, but we couldn’t tell you anything about it. It looks like the “Dark Aether” story will continue in Black Ops 6, but we don’t really know what that means.

For those of you who care, here is the official blurb with some background: “Requiem, led by the CIA, finally closed the last-dimensional portal, sending its inhabitants back to the nightmare world known as the Dark Aether, after two years of fighting zombie outbreaks around the world during the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War timeline.”

Wait, there’s more! “Agent Samantha Maxis gave her life to seal this weird dimension from the inside out.” Even worse things were to come: senior staff members of Requiem were arrested without a reason by the Project Director, who turned out to be Edward Richtofen.

Black Ops 6 will take place about five years later, and it looks like it will show more about Richtofen’s goals and motivations. The most important thing is that you will probably be shooting an unimaginable number of zombies in the head. This week, on August 8, there will be a full reveal of the gameplay, so keep an eye out for that.

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