Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a unique show with a rather unique history. The series revolved around a janitor being forced to watch B movies in...
A man is in a custody battle for his children, and to prove he’s fit to be a father, he will have to do something that...
As exciting as it is to get regular new content updates with flawless implementation, every time you introduce something to an exceedingly complex game, things break....
Telltale Games have been going out of their way to create episodic games of popular and cult classic material. The latest is based on Marvel’s Guardians...
Everyone’s favorite spin-off of an old video game series, but with ties to an alternate ending in another title is getting DLC soon. It will fittingly be...
Early access games can be a bit of a risky proposition. Early Access games are games that you purchase before they are completed, in return, you...
Since Carrie Fisher’s tragic passing late last year, there have been question marks about Leia’s future in the Star Wars Saga. Originally, Carrie’s brother, Todd Fisher,...
As much as I love the Nintendo Switch and the weird console-handheld hybrid thing its got going on, there are some things I feel like the...
Last week, Bethesda announced a free trial for the first three missions of Dishonored 2 (on all platforms). The publisher then followed up with a large Bethesda...
It’s not rare for game companies to celebrate the holidays with special events in their games. Christmas, Halloween, and Easter are represented widely in a large...