Final Fantasy XIV has been on a roll with update after well-received update. And, the upcoming patch, titled Rise of a New Sun, promises to do what Final...
Recently, For Honor introduced a new patch that aimed to balance one of the supposedly over-powered characters; the Warlord. Ubisoft’s patch-notes read like a last will...
Yooka-Laylee released several months ago and was touted as the spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie. Fans and critics loved the game for the most part but had several...
The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency have been very hard at work tuning Drawn to Death since its release earlier this month. They’ve released a patch...
As exciting as it is to get regular new content updates with flawless implementation, every time you introduce something to an exceedingly complex game, things break....
The spunky and self-deprecating humor of Drawn to Death has been refined today. Update 2.06 is now available to download. There were some murmurs about what...
It’s no secret that For Honor has been a difficult road for Ubisoft and not just with the technical parts of their third-person fighter. The controversy...
SMITE might not be the most popular MOBA, but it has the best references. Everything Hi-Rez Studios makes for the game references another game, a movie,...
Last week a Rocket League update was released in order to fix up some odds and ends for the Dropshot DLC. It appears that Psyonix didn’t...
The time is upon us once again for a new update to everyone’s favorite soccer-car hybrid. It’s minor overall, but fixes and improves some noteworthy problems...