The upcoming Aladdin live-action film has been under intense curious scrutiny ever since the reveal of Men In Black star, Will Smith, had been cast as...
The Walking Dead has harnessed the undead obsession within society with its gritty zombie action along with a well-rounded, likeable cast. The show has been losing...
The Far Cry series is set to return next week with the release of New Dawn, with the FPS set to debut on multiple platforms. Those...
In 2009, the world was set a blaze by the all-time best grossing film, Avatar. Directed by James Cameron, Avatar broke records and launched the film...
Running strong as the longest running prime-time television series, The Simpson are showing no signs of stopping any time soon. The hilarious cartoon series started off...
It has been a while since FromSoftware released the critically-acclaimed PS4-exclusive Bloodborne, with fans still clamoring for a sequel to this very day. However, despite that...
Known as the most popular serial killer in America, Ted Bundy shocked the world with his incredibly violent crimes and murders for more than a decade....
The indie strategy game from Chucklefish, Wargroove, released at the beginning of this month, and the response so far has been positive. The game’s charming characters...
The medieval city building simulation Foundation launched on Steam at the beginning of this month, and the response to the game has been very positive so...
The follow-up to Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, is easily one of the most anticipated films gearing up for release. With it’s special commercial spot during...