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Unknown 9: Awakening displays significant potential, once the narrative takes a backseat





Stepping into the deepest recesses of Bandai Namco’s domain at Summer Game Fest Play Days, we were immersed in the captivating realm of Unknown 9. This expansive narrative transcends traditional boundaries, encompassing comics, novels, podcasts, and soon, a thrilling video game. This project displays a remarkable level of ambition, with commendable effort put into constructing a captivating universe. However, it is only when we look beyond the specific names and terms that Unknown 9: Awakening truly reveals its potential.

However, if we attempt to comprehend it, so should you. The Unknown 9, as the name suggests, are immortal beings who possess a profound connection to The Fold, an enigmatic parallel dimension. It is believed that they have observed the entirety of human existence, yet the reason behind their vigil remains a mystery. There is a group called Quaestors who strongly believe in the profound wisdom and power of the number 9. Interestingly, these individuals have formed themselves into two distinct factions. The Leap Year Society is dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of the number 9 and sharing its knowledge with humanity, all in the name of progress and benefit for all. Meanwhile, The Ascendants are determined to obtain this knowledge exclusively, with the goal of disrupting the repetitive pattern of humanity’s tumultuous past.

Haroona, our protagonist, possesses the ability to access The Fold, which grants her unique and extraordinary powers, including the ability to Step. She has the ability to briefly enter The Fold, allowing her to take control of individuals and manipulate various objects. She is driven by an unwavering determination to avenge her father’s death at the hands of Vincent.

The abundance of context provided here is crucial for establishing an intriguing narrative, although it can be quite overwhelming to process. Thankfully, based on the gameplay footage we were presented with, it seems that the game is coming along quite well. This action adventure game focuses heavily on combat and incorporates Haroona’s supernatural powers.


She can step into enemies to take control of them for a short time. When she does, you can control what the enemy does next. For example, you could hit a close danger or shoot another enemy. When she comes back to her own body, these things happen, and the bad guys basically kill themselves. Of course, Haroona can only use this skill very rarely, but it gives her an advantage even when she is surrounded.

You’ll be able to use this more often as the game goes on, but it’s still limited. You’ll also be able to unlock other skills along three paths. We’ve been told that you won’t be able to get all of these skills at once, so you’ll have to pick and choose which ones to use. But even though Stepping will become more common, enemies will take steps to stop it. A part of our hands-off practice happened at an enemy outpost where they had set up a zone that stopped people from stepping on it. You can’t use any of Haroona’s special abilities in that area, but you can sneak through and turn off the machine if you stay out of it. It looks like each task will have at least two different ways to complete it.

The Stepping concept seems like it could be very useful, even though we didn’t get to play it. You can set up some cool combinations, like having one enemy fire their gun at an explosive where other enemies are waiting, then having a different enemy attack the first enemy. It will also be used to solve simple puzzles and look around, since Haroona can also push and pull things. As you explore, you’ll find items that give you more information, and a beautiful journal will keep track of everything you’ve learned.

Even though the main story is a little hard to follow, Unknown 9: Awakening is a really fun game anyway. Keep in mind that each story in the larger world can be read on its own, so you don’t have to connect with the others if you don’t want to. Even so, it feels like a lot to think about. Since the game isn’t coming out until Fall 2024, we should be able to play it soon to see if the gameplay is good enough to keep it going.

As Editor here at GeekReply, I'm a big fan of all things Geeky. Most of my contributions to the site are technology related, but I'm also a big fan of video games. My genres of choice include RPGs, MMOs, Grand Strategy, and Simulation. If I'm not chasing after the latest gear on my MMO of choice, I'm here at GeekReply reporting on the latest in Geek culture.

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The next update for Gran Turismo 7 on PS5 and PS4 might be a big one





There will be a change to how the next Gran Turismo 7 update is shown off next weekend, on July 6, 2024. Instead of a tweet from Kazunori Yamauchi, the series creator, the 1.49 patch for PS5 and PS4 will be “introduced” at the Gran Turismo World Series Esports event.

Polyphony Digital usually adds a few new cars, menus for the GT Café, more scenery, and sometimes a different version of a track every month for Gran Turismo 7. With bigger updates, we now have new features like the advanced AI system Sophy and a refresh for Spec II. It’s likely that the next patch will have more content than usual since it will be announced during a livestream instead of a Twitter post.

The official Gran Turismo Twitter account said earlier today, “The first round of the Gran Turismo World Series 2024 will be held in Montreal, Canada, on July 6 and will be broadcast live.” “There will also be an introduction of the July Update for GT7 during the broadcast, so don’t miss it!”

What kinds of things do you want to see in the next Gran Turismo game? Tell us about your hopes in the space below.

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The developer of War Thunder says sorry after images of the Challenger space shuttle disaster surface





Gaijin Entertainment, the developer of War Thunder, has recently issued an apology for a concerning oversight in their new key art. Observant fans noticed that the imagery used in the artwork closely resembles the distinct debris trail from the tragic 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster, which claimed the lives of all seven crew members. Gaijin Entertainment acknowledges this mistake and expresses their regret.

According to Eurogamer, members of the War Thunder community, known for their keen observation skills and ability to uncover classified military information, were quick to spot the striking resemblance between the Challenger’s unique debris field and a key art piece featured in the highly anticipated Seek and Destroy update. The Challenger shuttle tragically broke apart just 70 seconds after launch, an event that was broadcast live on TV. This devastating incident marked a somber milestone in American space flight history, as it was the first time that any fatalities were recorded.

It seems that there was a minor mishap, which is quite unfortunate. A spokesperson from Gaijin Entertainment expressed their apologies for this unfortunate error on the game’s official forums: “We deeply regret this and offer our sincere apologies.” Our artists used an aerial explosion reference pack that contained the image, which resulted in the loss of its original context. We will promptly make changes to this artwork and implement measures to prevent any future occurrences of this nature.

Challenger disaster and Seek & Destroy wallpaper line up nearly perfectly
byu/HarryTheOwlcat inWarthunder

Is it surprising to witness such a notorious explosion depicted in the key art of a video game, or are we simply revealing our age once more? We would greatly appreciate your feedback in the comments section below.


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“Really pleased” with Sea of Thieves PS5 sales, Microsoft





After the recent port to PS5, Microsoft is “really pleased” with the overall sales and performance of Sea of Thieves. As a result, more people are playing the Xbox and PC versions as well. Matt Booty, president of game content and studios at Microsoft Gaming, said this:. He also said that the success of the series means it can grow and that more money should be spent on a Variety podcast interview.

Microsoft is bringing four games that used to only be available on Xbox to other systems. Sea of Thieves was the last of these games to come out. The others are Pentiment, Grounded, and Hi-Fi Rush. Even though things have been going well lately, Booty says that more ports will be dealt with “case-by-case.”

News spread before the port came out that Sea of Thieves was being used as a “key test” to see if more Xbox-only games would be ported to PS5, PS4, and Xbox One. In May 2024, the game was the best-selling PS Store game in both Europe and the US. It also did well in the weekly sales charts.

Aside from the four games that have already been ported to Xbox, nothing else has been officially confirmed. However, news reports say that a lot of exclusive games may be about to come to other platforms. Some say that PS5 games like Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, Starfield, and a rumored remaster of Halo: Combat Evolved are all being thought about.

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