The Grand Theft Auto games are a series with a controversial history. Each release was met with mainstream media and angry parents criticizing the game left...
Resident Evil 7 took the Internet by storm and was hailed as a glorious return to the survival horror roots that made the franchise famous. Not...
A few months ago a small leak revealed the planned lineup of all characters for NetherRealm’s Injustice 2. So far the scrubbed leaked has hit almost...
It almost seems like yesterday many people were complaining that every shooter focused on World War II. Call of Duty and Battlefield in particular took that...
Another month, another set of free PlayStation 4 games for PS Plus users. This time though the titles are actually worth it. I say that because...
Crossovers let characters who would normally never meet combine forces for either good or evil, and that’s just happens in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite’s story. The trailer for...
We’ve reported previously on the Heroes of the Storm 2.0 update that sought to bring the less popular Blizzard game more in line with one of...
Remastering old games has become quite the trend in the video game industry. With games such as Resident Evil and Final Fantasy VII getting remasters, many...
NetherRealm Studios was founded in 2010 and they arguably haven’t made any bad console games yet. Mortal Kombat was hailed as a great return to form...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 entertained many fans of the manga/anime late last year. It had a new, comprehensive story in the Dragon Ball mythos, offered quite...