The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, or Fukushima for short, has become synonymous with the dangers of a nuclear meltdown. Unlike the Chernobyl disaster, which was...
Pokemon GO Fest starts tomorrow, and the legendary raids that feature Pokemon such as Lugia and Mewtwo will soon follow. Most trainers are excited, and while...
DOOM’s latest patch, Update 6.66 (I see what you did there Bethesda) brought a ton of changes and improvements to the game’s Multiplayer and SnapMap modes,...
Pokemon GO has only been around for one year, but what a year it’s been. The game released in a buggy, glitchy state (as is the...
Yes, you read the title correctly. According to The Stage, The Northern Playhouse Theatre in Derry/Londonderry is creating a play based on Minecraft, titled Playhouse Live. The...
Many people might not be familiar with the name Tommy Wisseau, but those who are, both love and hate the man thanks to his beautiful disaster...
Over the weekend, Square Enix revealed Kingdom Hearts III would feature a world based on the hit movie Toy Story, and there was much rejoicing on...
Earlier today, Sunday, July 16th, George Romero died at the age of 77. According to the LA Times and Romero’s producing partner, Peter Grunwald, Romero passed away in...
Dear Nintendo/The Pokemon Company: I am afraid you have forgotten what makes legendary Pokemon so legendary. It’s not that they’re powerful…well, that’s part of it, but mostly...
Mass Effect: Andromeda’s biggest sin is that it released in an unpolished state, with bugs and horrible animations galore. Most of these problems have been fixed,...