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The ambitions of Cybercriminals reached new heights in 2016 according to a report released by Symantec on Wednesday. Symantec has highlighted the unprecedented rise in not just the number of incidents of cybercrime but in the scale of the crimes themselves.

The report highlights the simple flaws that cybercriminals are using in order to achieve their goals. Symantec stated that attackers “frequently used very simple tools and tactics in order to make a big impact”. In a shift away from using zero-day exploits and sophisticated Malware suites, attackers are now opting to “live off the land”. Living off the land involves an attacker utilizing built in Operating system features like Windows Power Shell and Macros . These features can give a cybercriminal remote access to a computer without needing a direct exploit. Instead of relying on expensive tools, attackers now rely on social engineering.

Attackers use innocent language to track users into clicking - Symantic Report 2017

Attackers use innocent language to track users into clicking – Symantic Report 2017

Reliance on social engineering has led to email once again becoming a favored tool with which to commit cybercrime. Email had been used to conduct every kind of attack in 2016. From the targeted attack on the Democrats emails during the US election to spreading ransomware. The report estimates that around  1 in every 131 emails is malicious. The emails generally masquerade as something innocent, making them hard to detect.

Malicious emails often contain ransomware that locks the victims computers up and demands a fee in order to unlock it. Attackers are now demanding an average of $1,077. The number of Ransomware attacks almost tripled in 2016 and emails scams have cost small businesses almost $3 billion dollars, so it really is important to double check emails before opening them.

Cybercrime on the rise 2

    Ransomware is becoming increasingly common and attackers are demanding more money – Symantec report 2017

Cybercriminals have also began to use the inherent weakness of the Internet of Things to conduct their attacks. Most IoT devices are poorly secured, with users either unable to alter the default credentials or neglecting to do so. This allows hackers to get access to a huge number of devices in order to launch devastating Direct Denial of Service attacks. The most high profile of these was Mirai, a botnet composed of poorly secured routers, security cameras and other IoT devices. Several of Mirai’s targets were cloud based services, highlighting a growing vulnerability due to the explosion of cloud based storage.

Cybercrime on the rise

Attackers frequently used default passwords to try break into IoT devices – Symantec report 2017

Financial attacks have also become far more ambitious. Rather than focusing upon stealing your card or bank details, cybercriminals are now going after the banks themselves. In 2016 these attacks reached new heights with the Banswift Group managing to steal $81 million from the Bangladeshi central bank. There are also fears that for the first time nation states like North Korea may now be involved in cyber bank heists. The bank attacks were sophisticated, with the attackers gaining access to the target bank’s SWIFT credentials, allowing them to make fraudulent transactions.

Cybercriminals have not just targeted people’s finances. 2016 marked a big increase in politically motivated attacks. The most notable of which is probably the attack on the Democratic party’s emails during the US elections but there have been many others. A number of disk wiping attacks were used against targets in Ukraine, resulting in major power outages and there were a number of attacks against targets in Saudi Arabia. The rise in disruptive cybercrime coincides with a reduction in activities like economic espionage and intellectual property theft, implying a shift in resources

Cybercrime on the rise

A time line of major targeted attacks in 2016 – Symantec report 2017

Combined with Google’s report earlier this year, it’s clear that 2016 saw a huge rise in Cybercrime and the trend is unlikely to reverse any time soon. That said, there a number of simple steps you can take to protect yourself.

  • Check emails carefully before opening them, phishing attacks rely on users not noticing slight oddities. Look out for strange email addresses like or misspelled organization names.
  • Don’t open attachments from unknown sources.
  • It sounds simple, but change the default password on your router and other devices.
  • Use a trusted VPN service when using online banking, check here for why
  • Backup your data regularly to help protect yourself from any potential ransomware attacks
  • Keep your devices up to date


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10 Essential Tips for Maximizing WhatsApp API Integration and Chatbot Efficiency





In today’s digital-first world, effective customer communication can make or break a business. As one of the most widely-used messaging platforms, WhatsApp offers businesses a unique opportunity to connect with customers in real-time. By leveraging WhatsApp API integration and WhatsApp chatbots, businesses can automate communication, streamline customer service, and create a more engaging experience. However, to make the most of these tools, it’s essential to use them strategically.

Here are 10 essential tips to help you maximize the efficiency of WhatsApp API integration and chatbots for your business.

1. Automate Routine Messages and Notifications

One of the biggest advantages of WhatsApp API integration is its ability to automate routine messages such as order confirmations, shipping updates, or appointment reminders. By setting up automated workflows, businesses can ensure that customers receive timely notifications without manual intervention.

Tip: Create automated messages for key touchpoints in the customer journey, such as post-purchase confirmations, service updates, or abandoned cart reminders.

Trick: Use triggers in your CRM or e-commerce platform to automatically send messages when specific customer actions occur, such as making a purchase or booking an appointment.

2. Use Personalization to Enhance Engagement

Personalization is key to building strong customer relationships. With WhatsApp API integration, businesses can personalize messages by using customer data from their CRM systems. Sending tailored communications based on previous purchases or user preferences increases engagement and makes the customer feel valued.

Tip: Integrate WhatsApp with your CRM to pull customer information such as names, purchase history, and preferences. Use this data to create personalized messages that resonate with your audience.

Trick: Segment your customer base and send targeted messages that cater to specific interests or behaviors, such as recommending products based on previous purchases or offering location-based promotions.

3. Set Up a Conversational Chatbot for 24/7 Support

Implementing a WhatsApp chatbot allows businesses to provide instant, round-the-clock support. Chatbots can handle FAQs, guide users through processes, and even assist with purchases, all without human intervention.

Tip: Program your chatbot to answer common queries such as store hours, order status, and return policies, ensuring customers get answers anytime they need them.

Trick: Include a “handoff” feature in your chatbot so it can seamlessly transfer complex issues to a human agent when needed. This ensures a smooth transition for customers who require personalized assistance.

4. Utilize Rich Media for a More Interactive Experience

WhatsApp allows businesses to send more than just text-based messages. Rich media such as images, videos, PDFs, and even audio messages can enhance customer interactions, making your communications more engaging.

Tip: Use WhatsApp to send product demo videos, promotional images, or interactive buttons that guide customers to your website or product pages.

Trick: Incorporate quick reply buttons or rich media elements in your chatbot to guide users through decision-making processes, such as product selection or booking services.

5. Leverage Multi-Language Support for Global Reach

If your business operates in multiple regions or serves a diverse audience, ensure your WhatsApp chatbot supports multi-language communication. This allows you to provide localized customer service and engage with users in their preferred language.

Tip: Design your chatbot to detect the user’s language based on their input or prompt them to select a language at the start of the conversation.

Trick: Regularly update your chatbot’s language database to include any new regions or dialects where your business is expanding, ensuring seamless customer service worldwide.

6. Track Key Metrics to Improve Performance

Analyzing the performance of your WhatsApp API and chatbot is crucial for making data-driven improvements. By tracking response times, customer satisfaction, and engagement rates, you can identify areas for optimization.

Tip: Set up analytics to monitor the performance of your WhatsApp communications, including open rates, response times, and customer interactions with your chatbot.

Trick: Use this data to continually refine your chatbot’s responses, ensuring they meet customer expectations and improve the overall experience.

7. Use Chatbots for Lead Generation and Qualification

WhatsApp chatbots can be powerful tools for capturing leads and qualifying potential customers. A well-designed chatbot can ask initial questions to determine whether a user is a good fit for your product or service, then pass along qualified leads to your sales team.

Tip: Program your chatbot to gather essential information such as customer needs, preferences, or budget, before passing the lead to a human agent for follow-up.

Trick: Use the chatbot to engage potential customers with product recommendations or special offers to encourage them to provide their contact details and enter your sales funnel.

8. Create a Clear Opt-In Process for Messaging

To comply with WhatsApp’s business policies, it’s important to ensure that users have opted in to receive messages from your business. Having a clear opt-in process not only ensures compliance but also builds trust with your customers.

Tip: Make it easy for customers to opt-in by including an opt-in request on your website, through social media, or at the point of sale.

Trick: Incentivize customers to opt-in by offering exclusive content, discounts, or promotions through WhatsApp. This increases the likelihood of gaining permission to message them directly.

9. Use Quick Replies for Faster Customer Support

Quick replies in WhatsApp allow businesses to provide customers with instant answers to common questions. This feature can significantly reduce response times and help streamline customer support.

Tip: Set up a library of quick replies for frequently asked questions (FAQs), such as return policies, product details, or payment methods.

Trick: Combine quick replies with your chatbot to provide a seamless, automated experience for users, ensuring they get accurate information in real time without having to wait for a human response.

10. Ensure Security and Compliance

Given that WhatsApp is used for sensitive customer interactions, ensuring data security and compliance with privacy regulations is critical. WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption helps keep messages secure, but businesses must still follow best practices to maintain trust.

Tip: Only collect necessary customer data and ensure that it is stored securely in compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR or CCPA.

Trick: Regularly review WhatsApp’s business policies and ensure your messaging processes are compliant. Avoid sending unsolicited or spammy messages, as this could result in account suspension.


By following these 10 essential tips, businesses can unlock the full potential of WhatsApp API integration and WhatsApp chatbots. From automating routine tasks and enhancing customer support to using data-driven insights for continuous improvement, these tools offer numerous opportunities to improve customer engagement, satisfaction, and business efficiency.



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The United States has prohibited the sale of Kaspersky software due to concerns about security risks originating from Russia





The United States government declared on Thursday its prohibition of the sale of Kaspersky antivirus within the nation and is urging American users of the software to transition to an alternative provider.

The Bureau of Industry and Security, a division of the Commerce Department, has implemented a unique ban on Kaspersky, claiming that the company, being headquartered in Russia, poses a threat to both U.S. national security and the privacy of its users.

Russia has demonstrated both the ability and the intention to utilize Russian companies, such as Kaspersky, to gather and weaponize the personal data of Americans. “Hence, we are obliged to undertake the course of action that we are currently implementing,” stated U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo during a conference call with journalists.

Reuters was the first to report on the ban before it was officially announced. A representative from Kaspersky did not promptly reply to the inquiry for a comment.

Starting on July 20, Kaspersky will face a ban on selling its software to American consumers and businesses. However, the company will still be allowed to offer software and security updates to its current customers until September 29. Subsequently, Raimondo stated that Kaspersky would be prohibited from delivering software updates to customers in the United States.

“This implies that the quality of your software and services will decline.” Raimondo strongly advises finding an alternative to Kaspersky without delay.

Raimondo stated that U.S. consumers who are currently utilizing Kaspersky’s antivirus software are not in breach of any legal regulations.

Raimondo stated that individuals and businesses in the United States who currently use or have previously used Kaspersky products and services are not breaking the law, have not committed any wrongdoing, and will not face any legal consequences. “I strongly urge you to cease using that software and transition to an alternative as soon as possible to safeguard yourself, your data, and your family.”

Raimondo announced that the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department will collaborate to notify American consumers. Additionally, the U.S. government will establish a website to provide affected individuals with the necessary information to comprehend the rationale behind our actions and guide them in taking appropriate measures.

According to a high-ranking official from the U.S. Commerce Department, the federal cybersecurity agency CISA will engage in communication efforts with critical infrastructure organizations that rely on Kaspersky software in order to assist them in identifying alternative options. The official further stated that they have no intention of specifying any particular action by Kaspersky that prompted today’s decision. (The Commerce Department asked reporters not to reveal the official’s identity.)

The ban, which was announced on Thursday, represents the most recent intensification in a protracted sequence of measures taken by the U.S. government against Kaspersky, a company based in Moscow.

In September 2017, the Trump administration implemented a prohibition on the utilization of Kaspersky software by U.S. federal agencies due to concerns that the company may be coerced into assisting Russian intelligence agencies. In a previous report, it was disclosed that Russian state-sponsored hackers had illicitly acquired classified U.S. documents that were stored on the personal computer of an intelligence contractor. This breach occurred due to the use of Kaspersky’s antivirus software, making it the first documented case of espionage resulting from the use of this particular company’s software.

The Wall Street Journal reported in April 2023 that the decision to prohibit Kaspersky has been under development since last year.

According to the company itself, Kaspersky has more than 240,000 corporate clients globally and over 400 million individual customers. The senior official refrained from disclosing the exact number of U.S. customers that Kaspersky has. However, the official mentioned that there are a substantial number of customers, including critical infrastructure organizations as well as state and local government entities.

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Google Chrome now has a ‘picture-in-picture’ feature





Google is getting ready to make a big change to how its Chrome browser works. This is because new browsers from startups like Arc are making the market more competitive. The company said on Wednesday that it will be adding a new feature called “Minimized Custom Tabs” that will let users tap to switch between a native app and their web content. When you do this, the Custom Tab turns into a small window that floats above the content of the native app.

The new feature is all about using Custom Tabs, which is a feature in Android browsers that lets app developers make their own browser experience right in their app. Users don’t have to open their browser or a WebView, which doesn’t support all of the web platform’s features. Custom tabs let users stay in their app while browsing. Custom tabs can help developers keep users in their apps longer and keep them from leaving and never coming back.


If you make the Custom Tab into a picture-in-picture window, switching to the web view might feel more natural, like you’re still in the native app. People who send their customers to a website to sign up for accounts or subscriptions might also find this change useful, since it makes it easier for users to switch between the website and the native app.

After being shrunk down to the picture-in-picture window, the Custom Tab can be pushed to the side of the screen. Users can tap on a down arrow to bring the page back to the picture-in-picture window when it is full screen.

The new web experience comes at a time when Google is making it easier for Android users to connect to the web. People can find their way to the web with AI-powered features like Circle to Search and other integrations that let them do things like circle or highlight items.

The change is coming to the newest version of Chrome (M124), and developers who already use Chrome’s Custom Tabs will see it automatically. Google says that the change only affects Chrome browsers, but it hopes that other browser makers will add changes like these.

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