Telltale Games recently released a video entitled “Telltale Games: Summer 2017 Update” in which they revealed their plans for the continuation of three of their popular...
I am trying very hard to remain objective and wait for proven facts before condemning the Trump campaign/administration for the alleged collusion with Russia. I continue...
Google is a very active company that focuses a lot on the welfare of many other enterprises. As such, they have made a new tool to...
Security is a matter of utmost importance for people everywhere. However, there are issues with the normal demographics when privacy has to be violated even in...
Casey Hudson is a name that is probably not that familiar to most gamers out there, but he was a major player at BioWare for many...
Please make the acquaintance of THOR, the Transformable HOvering Rotorcraft. While it doesn’t come with a hammer, it does have a servo and bearing to enable...
Over the weekend, Square Enix revealed Kingdom Hearts III would feature a world based on the hit movie Toy Story, and there was much rejoicing on...
Remember when Windows 10 was given away for free for users that had Windows 7 and 8.1? Well, quite recently, some PC’s have started to report...
Atari is a console manufacturer now. It’s been a while since I posted that short news article/editorial and I still can’t wrap my head around the...
EVO 2017 was a very hype event that showed the best gamers can do. But it also showed a few rounds of interesting news to talk...