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Major Health Risks for Gamers and How to Prevent Them




person sitting on gaming chair while playing video game

If you are reading this, then you love playing video games, and you are not alone. Millions of people around the world play games to have fun, get an escape and hang out with their friends. However, while it is easy to lose yourself in your favorite game, proceed with caution. 

Though you may not realize it, playing video games regularly can create its fair share of medical issues. These conditions can range from mental health issues to hand pain and vision deterioration. But worry not. By understanding the risks and taking preventive measures, you can play safely. We will talk about exactly that and offer some suggestions to ease the pain.

Mental Health

Video game addiction and its threat to our mental health are newsworthy, and experts conclude this for several reasons. 

One area often discussed is video game addiction. When we game, our brains release dopamine into our systems, which leads us to feel pleasure. This rush can be more excessive than when engaging in other tasks because of the constant movement and instant gratification. While not everyone will become addicted to that feeling, game in moderation and engage in other activities in between.

Avoiding contact with people outside of gaming could lead to isolation and social anxiety. Gamers who continue to self-isolate can sometimes be drawn to dangerous activities such as consuming drugs and alcohol. They also struggle to form relationships, which could, in turn, result in depression.

The chance of depression is very real, and it can be inescapable if actions are not taken. For starters, it is a smart idea to reduce gaming time to a more moderate pace. If that doesn’t help the situation, then it may be time to consider therapy. Medication may also be necessary. Keep in mind that the chemistry of antidepressants prevents them from working on everyone. Thus, if you still feel apathetic or you can’t sleep at night, talk to your doctor about an adjustment.

Physical Pain

While you may not always be engaged in physical activity when playing, there is the chance of bodily harm if you don’t use caution when gaming over time. For instance, you may have noticed that your eyes begin to get tired after a few hours and that is due to eye strain. If you aren’t careful, staring at screens for too long could result in double or blurred vision, dry eyes, and excessive headaches. To mitigate the damage, follow the 20-20-20 rule, where you pause the game every 20 minutes to look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

The most exciting video games can have you gripping your controller, white-knuckled and ready to go, but caution is necessary as repetitive movements can result in carpal tunnel syndrome (pain in the wrist) and gamer’s thumb, which is pain due to repetitive movements of your fingers. Tennis elbow is also possible if you use your wrist and arm a lot during the game. Do your best to avoid these ailments by taking a break during gaming sessions to stretch your hands and see a doctor if you begin to feel pain.

While not everyone will be affected, video games have also been tied to seizures, which are sudden electrical disturbances in the brain. Sometimes, flashing graphics and jumping scenes can trigger these seizures in those predisposed to epilepsy and they can be very dangerous, especially if you have an episode while alone. To prevent harm when falling in the case of a seizure, make sure to stand or sit at least 10 feet from the TV and you may want to wear sunglasses if the game you are playing has an epilepsy warning. 

Lack of Physical Movement

A final health threat that can impact many gamers is obesity, typically due to a lack of activity after sitting for long periods of time. When we fail to engage in even moderate exercise, our bodies become weaker, there is an increase in the risk of severe health risks including heart disease, and our lungs lose capacity, so it is easier to feel breathless even when engaging in moderate activity.

To stay fit and avoid potential damage, make it a habit to get up and walk around after every hour of gameplay. When you wake up in the morning, engage in 20 minutes of running on the treadmill or even power walking through the neighborhood. Also, be sure to watch what you eat. When we are stationary, we tend to trick ourselves into thinking we are hungry, but avoid overindulging in fast food and drink water throughout the day to crave those feelings.

Those who feel they are in good physical shape may not have to worry about obesity, but if you sit for long periods, you may be doing other harm to your body. One common ailment for gamers is deep vein thrombosis, which is the development of blood clots in your veins, often due to a lack of movement. If left untreated, the condition could result in aches and pains in addition to an increased chance of cancer. To avoid this possibility, move around as you play. If you are a computer gamer, get a standing desk so you can stay active.

In the end, while gaming may be fun, like every activity, it is not without its risks. By thinking and acting proactively, you can enjoy your games for years to come and stay healthy along the way.


Ciri from The Witcher expresses her hope that fans will give Liam Hemsworth a fair chance in his portrayal of Geralt





Netflix’s The Witcher has been at the forefront of the recent trend of video game IP transitioning to TV, alongside HBO’s The Last of Us and Amazon’s Fallout adaptations. In 2022, it was announced that Henry Cavill would be stepping away from his role after Season 3, making way for Australian actor Liam Hemsworth to become The White Wolf in Season 4.

In an interview with Collider (courtesy of Eurogamer), Freya Allen, the actress who plays Ciri in the series, has reached out to fans who may find the change to be a challenge. Allen expressed his view of the situation, acknowledging that it may not be ideal and that fans can be quite critical. He mentioned that he doesn’t want to speak on behalf of Hemsworth, but based on his understanding, it seems like Hemsworth is aiming to inject some heartfelt elements into the project. I’m eagerly anticipating his performance after all that training. And he’s truly a delightful individual. I hope people give him a fair chance, you know?

It’s unclear why Henry Cavill decided to depart from the show, despite his previous commitment to stay for the entire seven seasons if needed. Netflix has announced that The Witcher has been renewed for a fifth season, which will be the final installment of the series.


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CEO of Helldivers 2 commends the remarkable determination displayed by the community during the intense Sony showdown





The experience for Helldivers 2 players has been quite turbulent lately, and we’re referring to a community that is accustomed to leaping from great heights into the most intense and terrifying battlegrounds imaginable. In the midst of a highly debated PSN account requirement for PC players and facing intense backlash, Sony has made a surprising reversal, yielding to the overwhelming force of public opinion. The CEO of Arrowhead, Johan Pilestedt, has displayed an intriguing attitude throughout this challenging period. He has shown remarkable composure, actively engaging with community managers and experiencing the difficulties they face firsthand.

Pilestedt expressed his admiration for the community’s determination and praised their ability to work together on Twitter, following Sony’s reversal. He sarcastically expressed gratitude towards Sony for their “prompt and efficient choice to make PSN linking optional.”

In the future, Pilestedt expressed his vision of working closely with PlayStation and the players to establish a groundbreaking benchmark for the concept of a live game. The aim is to foster a strong partnership between developers and the community, ultimately resulting in an unparalleled gaming experience.

What are your thoughts on the commotion surrounding Helldivers 2? What are your thoughts on Sony’s involvement, Pilestedt’s attitude, and the community’s reaction? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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Hands On: Stellar Blade Nails PS5 New Game + Mechanics





Stellar Blade is an exceptional game that demands your attention. However, it truly reached new heights after the review embargo was lifted, thanks to the introduction of New Game +. In our review of Stellar Blade for the PS5, we found that one minor drawback was the inability to replay the game. Unfortunately, during the pre-launch period, this author had to start over from the beginning.

Thankfully, none of you will have encountered that problem since the title was updated just hours before its release to include the highly anticipated New Game + feature. This new game+ mode is truly exceptional. As expected, all of your abilities and unlocks carry forward, but the Korean developer has gone above and beyond by expanding Eve’s skill tree with new abilities.

The addition of these new abilities doesn’t exactly revolutionize the game, but it does introduce some fresh tools to your arsenal, ensuring that the gameplay remains engaging. Combine this with some clever enemy placement variations, and you’re practically guaranteed an enjoyable replay. In addition, all of the Exospines and Gear that you unlock in New Game + receive upgrades, enabling you to craft even more powerful builds for Eve.


Additionally, the number of outfits has been doubled. The skins in the game offer a variety of designs, with some featuring unique custom details. Unlocking all of them again adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience. In our comprehensive guide, we have meticulously cataloged all the different outfits and their corresponding unlock methods. So, even if you haven’t quite reached the highly anticipated New Game + stage, you can still get a sneak peek at what lies ahead by following the link provided.

Our only critique of the mode is that the difficulty scaling could be improved. You may find yourself becoming seriously overpowered, even in hard mode. Feeling an immense sense of power is undeniably satisfying. However, it would be even more captivating if Shift Up were to delve deeper into these concepts and introduce additional difficulty levels for New Game +, thereby enhancing the game’s replayability.

It would be great if the developer could consider adding additional modes to enhance replayability. A speed run option could add an exciting element to the game. Rarely does a campaign exhibit the level of tightness and replayability found in Stellar Blade. Shift Up has truly crafted something exceptional, leaving us eager for additional content to be added as the release continues to evolve.


Have you begun your new game + playthrough of Stellar Blade yet? What are your impressions of the mode, and are there any other post-release additions you would like to see implemented? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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